Complex Analysis in Dynamical Systems
IMPA – Rio de Janeiro, September 1 – 11, 1998
The international meeting on Complex Analysis in Dynamical Systems, to be held from 1-11 September, 1998, at the Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA), is intended to join a signficative group of known international specialists, to present and discuss recent developments in the area of Complex Dynamical Systems.
The meeting is devoted mainly to the following topics:
- Deformation and classification of singularities of differential forms
- Dynamics of iterations in several complex variables
- Desingularization of singularities and maps
- Geometric aspects of complex foliations
- Algebraic geometry and foliations
- Galois differential theory
C. Camacho (IMPA)
E. Ghys (E.N.S. Lyon)
A. Lins Neto (IMPA)
R. Moussu (Univ. Bourgogne)
P. Sad (IMPA)
Alfaro, Jose Martinez Univ. de Valencia
Aroca, Jose Manuel Univ. de Valladolid
Asuke, Taro Hiroshima University
Benazic, Renato Univ. Nac. Mayor de San Marcos
Bosio, Frederic Poitiers
Calvo, Omegar CIMAT
Camacho, César IMPA
Cano, Felipe Torres Univ. de Valladolid
Cantat, Serge Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
Chazal, Frederic Univ. de Bourgogne
Cordaro, Paulo IME/USP
Deroin, Betrand Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
Diop, Cheikh Univ. Montpellier II
Dloussky, Georges Univ. D’Aix-Marseille I
Dumitrescu, Sorin Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
Favre, Charles KTH
Fierro, Eduardo Univ. Catolica del Norte, Chile
Ghys, Etienne Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
Glutsuk, Alexei School of Mathematics
Guillot, Adolfo ENS – Lyon
Hakim, Monique Univ. Paris Sud, Orsay
Henaut, Alain Univ. de Bordeaux I
Klinger, Bruno Ecole Polytechnique
Labruere, Catherine Univ. Bourgogne
Lehman, Daniel Univ. Montpellier II
Lins Neto, Alcides IMPA
Loeb, Jean-Jacques Univ. D’Angers 2
Lopes de Medrano, Santiago UNAM
Loray, Frank Univ. Lille I
Luengo, Ignacio Univ. Complutense de Madrid
Lyubich, Michael SUNY at Stony Brook
Martins, Julio César Canille UNESP/IBILCE
Mendes, Luís Gustavo Univ. de Bourgogne
Meziani, Rafik ENS/Lyon
Morales, Juan Jose UPC – Barcelona
Moussu, Robert Univ. de Bourgogne
Mozo, Jorge Univ. Valladolid
Nakai, Isao Hokkaido University
Neto, Orlando Univ. de Lisboa
Nicolau, Marcel Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Ortiz, Laura UNAM
Pan Perez, Ivan Univ. Fed. do Rio Grande do Sul
Panazolo, Daniel Universidade de São Paulo
Paul, Emanuel Univ. Paul Sabatier
Ramis, Jean Pierre Univ. Paul Sabatier
Rebelo, Julio PUC/RJ
Rozales, Ernesto UNAM
Sabbah, Claude Univ. Strasbourg
Sad, Paulo IMPA
Salas, Fernando Sancho Univ. Salamanca
Salem, Eliane Univ. Paris 6
Scardua, Bruno IMPA
Seade, Jose Univ. Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Sendra, Joaquim Sastre Florida Universitaria
Sibony, Nessim Univ. Paris Sud Orsay
Soares, Márcio UFMG
Su, Meiyu CUNY – Einstein Chair
Villarini, Massimo Università di Firenze
Wirtz, Bruno Univ. Brest
AUDITORIUM 3 September 1, Tuesday
15:00 |
(ENS, Lyon) Dynamical Structure of codimension one foliations I |
16:30 |
(Univ. Bourgogne, Dijon) On the structure of some real algebraic foliations |
17:45 |
(Univ. Nac. Autonoma de Mexico) Higher dimensional complex Kleinian groups |
AUDITORIUM 3 September 2, Wednesday
10:30 |
(Univ. Bourgogne) Kodaira dimension of foliations |
11:45 |
(Univ. di Firenzi) Linearization of multicenters |
16:30 |
(ENS, Lyon) Dynamics of the automorphisms of K3 surfaces |
17:45 |
(Univ. Paul Sabatier) Galoisian obstructions to integrability of hamiltonian systems |
AUDITORIUM 3 September 3, Thursday
10:30 |
(Univ. Bordeaux I) Web Geometry and abelian relations |
11:45 |
(Univ. Paris Sud, Orsay) Diffeomorphisms tangent to the identity: problems of stable manifolds |
16:30 |
(Hokkaido University) Tangential ergodicity and some chaotic property of non solvable dynamics |
17:45 |
(ENS, Lyon) Dynamical structure of codimension on foliations II |
AUDITORIUM 3 September 4, Friday
10:30 |
(Hiroshima University) The secondary characteristic classes of transversaly holomorphic foliations |
11:45 |
(Univ. Politecnica Catalunya) On the dynamical meaning of the Picard-Vessiot theory |
16:30 |
(Univ. DÁix-Marseille I) Curves and foliations on surfaces of class VII_0 |
17:45 |
(Univ. D’Angers 2) Geometrical characterization of Lattès examples |
AUDITORIUM 3 September 7, Monday
10:30 |
(KTH, Sweden) Analytic Birkhoff’s theorem |
11:45 |
(Ecole Polytechnique) Flat meromorphic connections on complex surfaces |
16:30 |
(Univ. Paul Sabatier) Global holonomy of a holomorphic foliation and Liouvillian integrability |
17:45 |
(Univ. Complutense de Madrid) Local and global monodromy of meromorphic functions |
AUDITORIUM 3 September 8, Tuesday
10:30 |
(Technion University) Singular contact structures on 3-dimensional complex spaces |
11:45 |
(Ecole Polytechnique) Projective structures on complex surfaces |
16:30 |
(IMPA) Complete polynomial vector fields in two complex variables |
17:45 |
(Univ. Paris Sud, Orsay) Dynamics of rational maps on n-dimensional projective spaces I |
AUDITORIUM 3 September 9, Wednesday
10:30 |
(UFMG) Geometry of Poincaré’s problem for one-dimensional foliation |
11:45 |
(Univ. Paris VI) On the classification of germs of holomorphic foliations |
16:30 |
( Valladolid) Oscillation and spiraling for trajectories of analytic vector fields |
17:45 |
(Univ. Paris Sud, Orsay) Dynamics of rational maps on n-dimensional projective spaces II |
AUDITORIUM 3 September 10, Thursday
10:30 |
(CIMAT-México) Positivity and Rigidity for Foliations |
11:45 |
(Univ. Montpellier II) Producing residues for holomorphic foliations: old and new |
16:30 |
(IMPA) Complete polynomial vector fields in two complex variables |
17:45 |
(SUNY at Stony Brook) Hyperbolic laminations and harmonic measures in holomorphic dynamics I |
AUDITORIUM 3 September 11, Friday
10:30 |
(Univ. de Poitiers) Locally free actions of C sup n |
11:45 |
(PUC-RJ) Maeasurable rigidity for certain subgroups of analytic diffeomorphisms of S¹ |
16:30 |
(SUNY ay Stony Brook) Hyperbolic laminations and harmonic measures in holomorphic dynamics II |
17:45 |
(Univ. de Valladolid) Differential valuations, foliations and first order differential equations |
This meeting is sponsored by CNPq, FINEP, FAPERJ, IMPA and CNRS