4th Quadriennal International Conference on Dynamical Systems
Brief History and Main Topics
International meetings on Dynamical Systems have been organized at IMPA, on a quadriennal basis, since 1981. These meetings are attended by a large number of the most distinguished experts in this area and cover several active domains of Dynamics.
The present meeting is devoted mainly to the following topics:
- Fractal dimensions and homoclinic byfurcations;
- Strange attractor and invariant measures;
- Holomorphic dynamical systems;
- Dynamics of endomorphisms of the interval or the circle;
- Conservative dynamical systems and variational methods.
Scientific Committee
John Mather (Princeton, USA)
Welington de Melo (IMPA, Brazil)
John Milnor (Stony Brook, USA)
Jurgen Moser (ETH, Switzerland)
Sheldon Newhouse (Michigan State, USA)
Robert Roussarie (Dijon, France)
Yakov. Sinai (Princeton, USA)
Marcelo Viana (IMPA, Brazil)
Jean Christophe Yoccoz (Collège de France)
Jacob Palis (IMPA, Brazil)
Lyubich (SUNY, NY), Regular and stochastic dynamics in the real quadratic family
C. Yoccoz (Collège de France), Modular aspects of the Brjuno function
Ruelle (IHES), Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and hyperbolic dynamics
Herman (Univ. Paris VII), Existence of invariant circles and invariant tori for Hamiltonian systems with a torsion condition
G. Moreira (IMPA), Cantor sets and dynamical spectra
Kozlowski (Univ. of Amsterdam), Axiom A maps are dense in the space of Ck unimodal maps
de Faria (IME/USP), Rigidity of critical circle mappings
Pujals (UFRJ), Transitivity and partial hyperbolicity
Markarian (Univ. Montevideo), Conditionally invariant measures for Anosov maps with small holes
MacKay (Cambridge Univ.), Discrete breathers
Shub (IBM, Watson, NY), Stable ergodicity and julienne quasi-conformality
Viana (IMPA), Ergodic properties of partially hyperbolic systems
Takens (Groningen Univ.), Application of methods of non-linear time series analysis to fluid bed data
Sotomayor (IME/USP), Critical bifurcations of three dimensional vector fields with a first integral
C. Zeeman (Oxford Univ.), Geometric unfolding of a difference equation
Szasz (Hungarian Ac.Sc), Ball avoiding theorems
Milnor (SUNY, NY), Pasting together Julia sets (a mating example)
Wagoner (Univ.Cal.Berkeley), The Kim-Roush counterexample to William’s conjecture
Mather (Princeton Univ.), Variational construction of orbits
Swiatek (Penn.St.Univ), Decay of geometry in the cubic family
Roussarie (Univ. Dijon), Quasi-conformal mapping theorem and bifurcations
Martens (SUNY, NY), Convergence of renormalization in interval dynamics(without complex dynamics)
Bolibruch (Steklov Institute), Isomonodromic confluence of Fuchsian singularities
Neishtadt (Space Res. Inst., Russia), Jumps of adiabatic invariant at separatrix in volume-preserving systems
Gutierrez (IMPA), Affine interval exchange transformations with wandering intervals
Tresser (IBM, Watson, NY), On the geometry of master-slave synchronization
J.Pacífico (UFRJ), C1 robust singular transitive sets for three-dimensional flows are either attractors or repellers
Matsumoto, (Nihon Univ.), Signs of index one fixed points of area preserving homeomorphisms
Hayashi (Waseda Univ.), C1–W-stability, a connecting lemma, and a make or break lemma
Eliasson (Royal Inst. Technology), Floquet solutions for the higher dimensional quasi-periodic Schrodinger equation
Oliva (Univ.Tec. Lisboa), Anosov flows induced by non integrable D-geodesic flows
Yu Il’Yashenko (Moscow St. Univ.), Random dynamical systems (RDS) as subsystems of smooth ones
Smillie (Univ. Cornell), The connectivity of two dimensional Julia sets
Ledrappier (Ecole Polytechnique), Invariant measures for the stable foliation on abelian covers
Pollicott (Univ. of Manchester), Counting closed orbits for hyperbolic flows
Newhouse (Michigan St.Univ), Asymptotic measures for area decreasing maps of the plane
Parallels Sections
F.Alves (IMPA/ Univ. of Porto), SRB measures for multidimensional nonhyperbolic attractors
Dumortier (Limburgs Univ. Centrum), Nilpotent singularities of Z2 -equivariant vector fields in R3 and heteroclinic cycles
Pinto (Univ. of Porto), Renormalization gives all surface Anosov diffeomorphisms with a smooth invariant measure
Fisher (UFRGS), Self -similar return maps for some maps with an indifferent fixed point
Simo (Univ. of Barcelona), Analytical estimates of parameters for which a saddle-node homoclinic tangency occurs in perturbations of area preserving maps
Bamon (Univ. de Chile), A family of n-dimensional differential equations with Lorenz like attractors
Luzzatto (Univ. of Warwick), Hyperbolicity and bounded recurrence in families of one-dimensional maps
Iturriaga (CIMAT), Convex Hamiltonians without conjugate points
Schmeling (Penn. State Univ.), On the pointwise dimension of hyperbolic measures: a proof of the Eckmann-Ruelle conjecture
Diaz (PUC/RJ), Infinitely many sinks in the C1 topology
Langevin (Univ. Dijon), Anosov-Smale diffeomorphisms in dimension 2
Paternain (Fac. Ingenieria), On the regularity of the Anosov splitting for Euler-Lagrange flows
Gutkin (Univ. Southern Cal.), Billiards in polygons and related topics
Lopes de Medrano (UNAM), Construction of compact complex manifolds from dynamical systems
Contreras (PUC/RJ), Globally minimizing orbits of autonomous lagrangians
Buzzard (Indiana Univ.), Stability questions for automorphisms of C2
Labarca (Univ. de Santiago de Chile), Topological classification of Lorenz maps on the interval
Krikorian (École Polytechnique), Reducibility of linear quasi-periodic systems
Broer (Groningen), Resonance tongues in Hill’s equations: a geometry approach
Graczik (Michigan St. Univ.), Geometry of Siegel disks
Burns (Northwestern Univ.), Stable ergodicity of skew-products
Weiss (Penn. State Univ.), Spheres with positive curvature and nearly dense orbits for the geodesic flow
Baladi (Univ. Geneva), The spectra of coupled map lattices
Sands (SUNY), A simple proof of complex bounds
Morales (UFRJ), A note on singular hyperbolic systems
Levin (Hebrew Univ.), The topology of the Julia set of real polynomials
Baesens (Cambridge Univ.) Gradient dynamics of Frenkel-Kontorova models
Bressaud (IME/USP), Transfer operators for subshifts on an infinite alphabet
Khanin (Heriott-Watt Univ.), Minimizing orbits for random 1-d Lagrangians
Aoki (Tokyo Met. Univ), Differentiable maps having hyperbolic sets
Ishii (Univ. of Tokyo), A kneading theory for Lozi mappings: Admissibility, monotonicity and horseshoes
Sambarino (IMPA), On a Palis’conjecture
Garcia (UFGo), Structural stability of asymptotic lines of immersed surfaces on R3
de La Llave (Univ. of Texas), Spectral properties of push-forward operators
Pugh (Univ. of Cal., Berkeley), Focal stability
Kosygin (Princeton Univ), Examples of ergodic twist maps
Nowicki (Warsaw Univ.), Non-uniform hyperbolicity and absolutely continuous invariant measures
Robinson (Northwestern Univ.), Homoclinic bifurcation to a semi-orientable Lorenz attractor
Mora (Int.Venez.Inv.Cient), Quasiperiodic bifurcations and homoclinic tangencies
Bedford (Indiana Univ.), Dynamics of polynomial diffeormorphisms of C2
Beguin (Univ. Bourgogne), Smale flows on 3-manifolds
Tsujii (Hokkaido Univ.), Some monotone families of piecewise linear unimodal maps
Vieitez (Fac. Ingenieria),3D-expansive diffeomorphisms without wandering points
Toom (IME/USP), Some growth mode
de Carvalho (Univ. of Cal.,Berkeley), The dynamics of surface homeomorphisms and the pruning front conjecture
Oka (Ryukoku Univ.) On the monotonicity of topological entropy for symmetric PL bimodal maps
Bobenrieth (Univ. del Bio-Bio), On the dynamics of the rational maps Z ® 1+1/wzd
Kokubu (Kyoto Univ.), Homoclinic doubling cascades in vector fields
Sánchez-Morgado (UNAM), On the creation of conjugate points for Hamiltonian systems
Calvo (CIMAT), Foliations with a Kupka component of radial transversal type
Massart (Univ. of Warwick), Differentiability of Mather’s b-function for Lagrangians on a surface
Flexor (Univ. Paris-Sud), Fixed points of renormalization
C. Tatjer (Univ. di Barcelona), Return maps near homoclinic tangencies in dimension 3
J. D. Carneiro (UFMG), On the minimal action functions for Lagrangians associated to magnetic fields
Sirvent (Univ. Simon Bolivar), Geodesic laminations as geometric realizations of Pisot substitutions
C. Martín (Univ.Simon Bolivar), Hopf bifurcations and homoclinic tangencies
I. Bogdanov (Moscow St. Univ.), Dynamical systems on the plane
Shishikura (Univ. of Tokyo), Some applications of Yoccoz’ method on complex quadratic polynomials
Chernov (Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham), Statistical properties of piecewise hyperbolic systems in high dimensions