XIV Brazilian Algebra Meeting
IMPA (July 28 – August 03, 1996)
This conference will take place at IMPA in Rio de Janeiro (July 28 – August 03, 1996). This event is a traditional one in the brazilian mathematical calendar and happens every other year since 1972. It is a broad meeting including all areas of research in Algebra. The number of participants is usually around 150 mathematicians, including graduate students.
The activities planned include two conference cycles of 3 one-hour lectures each, four mini-courses of 5 one-hour lectures each, around 30 talks of 50 minutes each and, moreover, 24 research communications of 20 minutes each. These activities will run from Monday (July 29) to Friday (Aug 02).
The two conference cycles are:
- Estimates of Exponential Sums and Character Sums – by P. Roquette (Heidelberg/Germany)
- The Gelfond-Kirillov Dimension and Infinite Groups – by G. Baumslag (CUNY/New York)
The four mini-courses aim at graduate students and will be delivered in Portuguese. They are:
- Étale Topology – by P. Viana (PUC/Rio)
- Isometry Groups in the Plane – by M. Spira (UFMG/Minas Gerais)
- Groups Acting on Trees – by S. Sidki (UnB/Brasília)
- Units of Group Rings – by C. Polcino (USP/São Paulo)
Partial list of participants
Organizing Committee
- Arnaldo Garcia (IMPA/Rio) – Coordinator
- Antonio Engler (UNICAMP/Campinas)
- Abramo Hefez (UFF/Rio)
- Amilcar Pacheco (UFRJ/Rio)
- Eduardo Esteves (IMPA/Rio)
- Jairo Gonçalves (USP/São Paulo)
The organizers have applied for financial support to local agencies (CNPq, FINEP, FAPESP, FAPERJ, SBM). We expect to be able to cover the living expenses of most participants.
General Information
- The Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA) at Rio de Janeiro has been the headquarters of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) since 1991 and provides an excellent atmosphere for research and conferences. The Institute has a very good library, many office-rooms and large auditoriums. Its building lies in a pleasant environment, near a rain forest named Floresta da Tijuca.
- The weather in Rio de Janeiro in July is mild, with temperatures ranging from 15°C to 30°C.
- The exchange rate and prices have remained stable during last year, with the brazilian currency (Real) worthing approximately as much as the U.S. Dollar. It is recommended that visitors bring along U.S. Dollars, as any other form of currency is not as easy to exchange. Major credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, etc.) are usually accepted.
Further Information
Further information may be obtained by sending a letter or an e-mail to the coordinator at
Estrada Dona Castorina 110, Jardim Botânico
22460-320, Rio de Janeiro – RJ
FONE: 55-21-529 5000
FAX: 55-21-512 4115
e-mail: algebra@impa.br