Palestras Plenárias/Plenaristas(Plenary Talks)

Bollobás (Trinity College – Cambridge University) – Combinatória

Bootstrap Percolation in All Dimensions

Nigel Hitchin (Oxford University) – Geometria
Poisson Geometry and Hilbert schemes

Michael Lyubich (SUNY at Stony Brook) – Sistemas Dinâmicos
Towards a priori bounds for complex renormalization.

Robert McCann (University of Toronto) – Análise
Geometric variational problems in economics

Claudio Procesi (Università di Roma) – Álgebra
Some geometric and algebraic problems arising in the study of the completely resonant non-linear Schrodinger equation on a torus.

Yuval Peres (Microsoft Research Redmond) – Probabilidade
Laplacian growth and the mystery of the abelian sandpile: a visual tour.