


Artur Avila (IMPA / Universität Zürich – Dynamical Systems
Renormalization of one-frequency cocycles with values on compact Lie groups 

Serge Cantat (U Rennes 1 – Dynamical Systems)
The geometric Bogomolov conjecture

Hugo Duminil-Copin (IHES – Phase Transitions
A New Link Between Bernoulli Percolation and the Gaussian Free Field

Maria Eulalia Vares (U Federal do Rio de Janeiro – Probability
Metastability for stochastic dynamics: a quick review and some new results

Olivier Mathieu (U Lyon – Representation Theory & Lie Algebras
Self Similarity of groups

Gregory Miermont (ENS- Lyon – Random trees and maps & Stochastic calculus
Brownian surfaces

Jorge Vitório Pereira (IMPA
Codimension one foliations on projective manifolds

Benoît Perthame (U Paris 6 – PDE and Applications to Medical Sciences
Some Equations of Mathematical Biology

Antoine Song (Princeton University
Abundance of minimal hypersurfaces in closed manifolds

Augusto Teixeira (IMPA – Probability & Percolation
Random walk on the simple symmetric exclusion process


Lectures Series


5 Lectures by Étienne Ghys (ENS-Lyon)
Five of my favorite geometry papers – Geometry from A to… B! 


Special Lecture


João Candido Portinari (PUC-Rio)
“The Portinari Project: Science and Art Team Up Together to Help Cultural Projects”