Workshop in Nonlinear PDE

IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, August 19 – 23

The field of nonlinear partial differential equations has experienced a striking evolution over the last twenty years in Brazil. The number of PhD’s and students has increased creating a critical mass. In this process it is fundamental to have a scientific interchange with researchers leaders in the field. The aim of the workshop is to continuing this process by allowing the community to attend to lectures of recent and important progress in the field delivered by renowned specialists. The workshop will bring together leading experts in nonlinear dispersive equations, nonlinear hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, nonlinear elliptic equations and free-boundary problems. Graduate students and young PhD’s are encouraged to participate of this meeting.


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Palestrante com tela - ícones de o negócio grátis  Speakers

 Público - ícones de pessoas grátisScientific Committee

  • Hermano Frid (USP)
  • Felipe Linares (IMPA)

Público - ícones de pessoas grátisOrganizing Committee

  • Hermano Frid (USP)
  • Felipe Linares (IMPA)
  • Daniel Marroquin (UFRJ)
  • Wladimir Neves (UFRJ)
  • Ademir Pazoto (UFRJ)

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