Presentation by Young Researchers
1st Week (August 12-16, 2024)
Monday, 12th August – 6:15 PM – 7:00 PM
Daniela Alejandra Paiva Peñuela
An application of the Sarkisov program
Jorge Armando Duque Franco
Join Algebraic Cycles and Fake Linear Cycles
Victor do Valle Pretti
Relative homology of smooth algebras
Tuesday, 13th August – 6:15 PM – 7:00 PM
Ana Victoria Martins Quedo
The cone conjecture for quotients of abelian varieties
Federico Bongiorno
Infinitesimal groupoids and singularities
Laurine Weibel
Orbifold hyperbolicity
Thursday, 13th August – 6:15 PM – 7:00 PM
Manuel Alejandro Leal Camacho
Families of determinantal surfaces in P3
Rina Roxana Paucar Rojas
On the 0-cycles on surfaces
Gabriel Fazoli Domingos
Canonical Extension of Partial Connections
2nd Week (August 19-23, 2024)
Monday, 19th August – 6:15 PM – 7:00 PM
Pedro Henrique Dos Santos
A quiver description of some nested Hilbert schemes of points.
Samanta Santos Avelino Silva
The Stern-Brocot Compactification of the two dimensional monomial map
Dmitrii Korshunov
Moduli spaces of polygons and deformations of polyhedra with boundary
Tuesday, 20th August – 6:15 PM – 7:00 PM
Luíze Mello d Urso Vianna
A Conjectura do Cone para Explosões do Plano Projetivo
William Montoya
Mori dream K3 surfaces with Picard rank 2 in Weighted Projective spaces
Tobías Humberto Martínez Lovo
The Manin Conjecture for Hirzebruch-Kleinschmidt varieties
Thursday, 22th August – 6:15 PM – 7:00 PM
Eduardo Alves da Silva
Log Calabi-Yau geometry and Cremona maps
Qingyuan Xue
Boundedness of Complements for Log Calabi-Yau Pairs
Joshua Enwright
Calabi–Yau Pairs of Complexity Zero
Fernando Jose Figueroa Zamora
Local fundamental groups of log canonical singularities