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2020 – JAN 2022
al1 Ac.40641 | 13/12/21 | Selected exercises in algebra. volume 1 / 2020 | CHIRIVÍ, Rocco. |
al2 Ac.40258 | 03/11/21 | Character theory and the McKay conjecture / 2018 | NAVARRO, G.. |
al2 Ac.40370 | 09/11/21 | Structure of groups with a quasiconvex hierarchy, The / 2021 | WISE, Daniel T.. |
al2 Ac.40426 | 25/11/21 | Drinfeld moduli schemes and automorphic forms : the theory of elliptic modules with applications / 2013 | FLICKER, Yuval Z.. |
al2 Ac.40492 | 18/11/21 | Theory of fusion systems : an algebraic approach, The / 2011 | CRAVEN, David A. |
al2 Ac.40527 | 26/11/21 | Automorphisms of finite groups / 2018 | PASSI, Inder Bir S.,. |
al2cs Ac.40425 | 16/11/21 | Automorphic forms and galois representations / 2014 | SYMPOSIUM ON GALOIS REPRESENTATIONS AND AUTOMORPHIC FORMS, 2011, University of Durham) |
al3 Ac.40407 | 29/11/21 | Chow rings, decomposition of the diagonal, and the topology of families / 2014 | VOISIN, Claire. |
al3 Ac.40432 | 16/11/21 | Rings, modules, and closure operations / 2019 | ELLIOTT, Jesse. |
al4 Ac.40256 | 03/11/21 | Toeplitz matrices and operators / 2020 | NIKOLSKI, NicolaÌi. |
al4 Ac.40451 | 25/11/21 | Positive definite matrices / 2015 | BHATIA, Rajendra,. |
al4 Ac.40457 | 25/11/21 | Totally nonnegative matrices / 2011 | FALLAT, Shaun M |
al4 Ac.40488 | 18/11/21 | Matrix completions, moments, and sums of Hermitian squares / 2011 | BAKONYI, M. |
al4 Ac.40635 | 13/12/21 | Introduction to applied linear algebra : vectors, matrices, and least squares / 2018 | BOYD, Stephen P.. |
al5 Ac.39571 | 03/02/20 | Central simple algebras and Galois cohomology – Second edition / 2017 | GILLE, Philippe. |
al5 Ac.40259 | 03/11/21 | Explicit Brauer induction : with applications to algebra and number theory / 2010 | SNAITH, Victor P. |
al5 Ac.40319 | 04/11/21 | Galois representations and ([phi], [Gamma])-modules / 2017 | SCHNEIDER, P.. |
al6 Ac.40537 | 19/11/21 | Boolean functions : theory, algorithms, and applications / 2011 | CRAMA, Yves |
al7 Ac.39839 | 26/11/20 | Hochschild cohomology for algebras / 2019 | WITHERSPOON, Sarah J.. |
al7 Ac.40254 | 03/11/21 | Derived categories / 2020 | YEKUTIELY, Amnon. |
al7 Ac.40255 | 03/11/21 | Foundations of stable homotopy theory / 2020 | BARNES, David. |
al7 Ac.40301 | 04/11/21 | Basic category theory / 2014 | LEINSTER, Tom. |
al7 Ac.40310 | 04/11/21 | Higher categories and homotopical algebra / 2019 | CISINSKI, Denis-Charles. |
al7 Ac.40326 | 05/11/21 | From categories to homotopy theory / 2020 | RICHTER, Birgit. |
al7 Ac.40422 | 16/11/21 | Semilocal categories and modules with semilocal endomorphism rings – First edition. / 2019 | FACCHINI, Alberto. |
al7 Ac.40433 | 16/11/21 | Triangulated Categories of Mixed Motives / 2019 | CISINSKI, Denis-Charles |
al7 Ac.40601 | 29/11/21 | Categories and modules with K-theory in view / 2000 | BERRICK, A. J. |
al7cs Ac.40509 | 29/11/21 | Advances in commutative algebra : dedicated to David F. Anderson / 2019 | NULL |
an1 Ac.40008 | 14/12/20 | Solving problems in mathematical analysis. , Part I, Sets, functions, limits, derivatives, integrals, sequences and series / 2020 | RADOZYCKI, Tomasz. |
an1 Ac.40009 | 14/12/20 | Solving problems in mathematical analysis. , Part II, Definite, improper and multidimensional integrals, functions of several variables and differential equations / 2020 | RADOZYCKI, Tomasz. |
an1 Ac.40010 | 14/12/20 | Solving problems in mathematical analysis. , Part III, Curves and surfaces, conditional extremes, curvilinear integrals, complex functions, singularities and Fourier series / 2020 | RADOZYCKI, Tomasz. |
an2 Ac.39574 | 03/02/20 | Banach-Tarski paradox, The – Second edition. / 2016 | TOMKOWICZ, Grzegorz. |
an2 Ac.40660 | 15/12/21 | Measure, integration and a primer on probability theory / 2020 | GENTILI, Stefano. |
an3 Ac.40212 | 28/10/21 | Introduction to the calculus of variations and control with modern applications. / 2019 | BURNS, John A. |
an3 Ac.40327 | 05/11/21 | Optimal control and geometry : integrable systems / 2016 | JURDJEVIC, Velimir. |
an3 Ac.40396 | 26/11/21 | Geometric control theory / 2008 | JURDJEVIC, Velimir. |
an3 Ac.40414 | 29/11/21 | Optimal transport for applied mathematicians : calculus of variations, PDEs, and modeling / 2015 | SANTAMBROGIO, Filippo. |
an3 Ac.40415 | 26/11/21 | Optimal transport methods in economics / 2018 | GALICHON, Alfred. |
an4 Ac.39566 | 03/02/20 | Difference equations by differential equation methods / 2014 | HYDON, Peter E.. |
an4 Ac.39636 | 07/02/20 | Multiscale methods for Fredholm integral equations / 2015 | CHEN, Zhongying,. |
an4 Ac.39673 | 19/02/20 | Volterra integral equations : an introduction to theory and applications / 2017 | BRUNNER, H.. |
an5 Ac.39562 | 29/01/20 | Wavelets : a student guide / 2017 | NICKOLAS, Peter. |
an5 Ac.40315 | 04/11/21 | Fourier restriction, decoupling, and applications / 2020 | DEMETER, Ciprian. |
an5 Ac.40496 | 29/11/21 | Discrete harmonic analysis : representations, number theory, expanders, and the Fourier transform / 2018 | CECCHERINI-SILBERSTEIN, Tullio |
an8 Ac.39576 | 03/02/20 | Orthogonal rational functions / 2009 | BULTHEEL, Adhemar. |
an8 Ac.40417 | 16/11/21 | Hypergeometric functions, my love : modular interpretations of configuration spaces / 1997 | YOSHIDA, Masaaki,. |
an9 Ac.39758 | 06/03/20 | Operator-adapted wavelets, fast solvers, and numerical homogenization : from a game theoretic approach to numerical approximation and algorithm design / 2019 | OWHADI, Houman |
an9 Ac.40424 | 25/11/21 | Exercises in analysis / 2014 | GASINSKI, Leszek. |
an9 Ac.40597 | 23/11/21 | Hadamard Expansions and Hyperasymptotic Evaluation : an Extension of the Method of Steepest Descents / 2011 | PARIS, R. B.. |
anf Ac.39812 | 24/11/20 | Jordan triple systems in complex and functional analysis / 2019 | ISIDRO, José M.. |
anf Ac.39814 | 24/11/20 | Tool kit for groupoid C*-algebras, A / 2019 | WILLIAMS, Dana P.,. |
anf Ac.40192 | 28/10/21 | Differentiability in Banach spaces, differential forms and applications. / 2021 | DORIA, Celso Melchiades. |
anf Ac.40298 | 04/11/21 | Special functions and orthogonal polynomials – Second edition. / 2016 | BEALS, Richard |
anf Ac.40304 | 04/11/21 | Spectral theory and its applications / 2013 | HELFFER, Bernard. |
anf Ac.40316 | 04/11/21 | Introduction to the theory of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, An / 2016 | PAULSEN, Vern I.,. |
anf Ac.40317 | 04/11/21 | Hardy spaces / 2019 | NIKOLSKI, N. K.. |
anf Ac.40323 | 05/11/21 | Introduction to model spaces and their operators / 2016 | GARCIA, Stephan Ramon |
anf Ac.40340 | 05/11/21 | Function theory and Lp spaces / 2020 | CHENG, Raymond |
anf Ac.40412 | 26/11/21 | Introduction to Banach Spaces : Analysis and Probability. Volume 1 / 2018 | LI, Daniel. |
anf Ac.40448 | 17/11/21 | Guide to spectral theory : applications and exercises, A / 2021 | CHEVERRY, Christophe. |
anf Ac.40542 | 19/11/21 | Completely bounded maps and operator algebras / 2002 | PAULSEN, Vern I.,. |
anf Ac.40551 | 26/11/21 | Amenable Banach algebras : a panorama / 2020 | RUNDE, Volker. |
anf Ac.40582 | 22/11/21 | Ortogonalidade : um passeio pela análise funcional / 2021 | BUENO, Hamilton Prado |
anf Ac.40586 | 23/11/21 | Continuous Semigroups of Holomorphic Self-maps of the Unit Disc – 1st ed. 2020. / 2020 | BRACCI, Filippo |
anf Ac.40588 | 23/11/21 | Topological vector spaces and their applications / 2017 | BOGACHEV, V. I.. |
anf Ac.40607 | 30/11/21 | Linear operators and their spectra / 2007 | DAVIES, E. B.. |
anf Ac.40663 | 15/12/21 | Introduction to special functions, An / 2016 | VIOLA, C.. |
anfcs Ac.40505 | 18/11/21 | Operator theory, analysis and the state space approach : in honor of Rien Kaashoek / 2018 | OPERATOR THEORY, ANALYSIS AND THE STATE SPACE APPROACH (WORKSHOP), 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands) |
anfcs Ac.40683 | 21/01/22 | Analysis of operators on function spaces : the Serguei Shimorin memorial volume / 2019 | KHAVINSON, Dmitry. |
anl Ac.39662 | 14/02/20 | Introduction to the geometrical analysis of vector fields : with applications to maximum principles and lie groups, An / 2019 | BIAGI, Stefano. |
colm Ac.39646 | 10/02/20 | Witten non abelian localization for equivariant K-theory, and the [Q, R] = 0 theorem / 2019 | PARADAN, Paul-Emile. |
colm Ac.39647 | 10/02/20 | Quiver grassmannians of extended Dynkin Type D. , Part I, Schubert systems and decompositions into affine spaces / 2019 | LORSCHEID, Oliver. |
colm Ac.39648 | 10/02/20 | One-dimensional empirical measures, order statistics, and Kantorovich transport distances / 2019 | BOBKOV, Serguei G.. |
colm Ac.39649 | 10/02/20 | Dimensions of affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties: a new approach via labeled folded alcove walks and root operators / 2019 | MILICEVIC, Elizabeth. |
colm Ac.39650 | 10/02/20 | Quadratic vector equations on complex upper half-plane / 2019 | AJANKI, Oskari Heikki |
colm Ac.39652 | 10/02/20 | Time-like graphical models / 2019 | TADIC, Tvrtko. |
colm Ac.39695 | 04/03/20 | Complex non-Kahler geometry : Cetraro, Italy 2018 / 2019 | DINEW, Stawomir |
colm Ac.39696 | 04/03/20 | Geometric representation theory and gauge theory : Cetraro, Italy 2018 / 2019 | BRAVERMAN, Alexander |
colm Ac.39697 | 04/03/20 | Stationary diffraction by wedges : method of automorphic functions on complex characteristics / 2019 | KOMECH, A. I.. |
colm Ac.39698 | 04/03/20 | Group matrices, group determinants and representation theory : the mathematical legacy of Frobenius / 2019 | JOHNSON, Kenneth W.. |
colm Ac.39699 | 04/03/20 | Séminaire de probabilités L / 2019 | LEJAY, Antoine |
colm Ac.39700 | 04/03/20 | Singular random dynamics : Cetraro, Italy 2016 / 2019 | GUBINELLI, Massimiliano. |
colm Ac.39701 | 04/03/20 | Planar maps, random walks and circle packing : École d’été de probabilités de Saint-Flour XLVIII – 2018 / 2020 | NACHMIAS, Asaf. |
colm Ac.39702 | 04/03/20 | Stochastic epidemic models with inference / 2019 | PARDOUX, E.. |
colm Ac.39703 | 04/03/20 | Contributions in algebra and algebraic geometry : International Conference on Algebra, Discrete Mathematics and Applications, December 9-11, 2017, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad (Maharashtra), India / 2019 | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ALGEBRA, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, AND APPLICATIONS, 2017, Aurangabad, India) |
colm Ac.39704 | 04/03/20 | Dynamical systems and random processes : 16th Carolina Dynamics Symposium, April 13-15, 2018, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Georgia / 2019 | CAROLINA DYNAMICS SYMPOSIUM, 16th, 2018, Decatur, Ga.) |
colm Ac.39705 | 04/03/20 | Advances in complex geometry / 2019 | NULL |
colm Ac.39706 | 04/03/20 | Higher Segal spaces / 2019 | DYCKERHOFF, Tobias |
colm Ac.39781 | 10/03/20 | Local relative trace formula for the Ginzburg-Rallis model : the geometric side, A / 2019 | WAN, Chen. |
colm Ac.39845 | 26/11/20 | Riesz transform of codimension smaller than one and the Wolff energy, The / 2020 | JAYE, Benjamin |
colm Ac.39846 | 26/11/20 | Explicit arithmetic of Jacobians of generalized Legendre curves over global function fields / 2020 | BERGER, Lisa |
colm Ac.39847 | 26/11/20 | Filtrations and buildings / 2020 | CORNUT, Christophe. |
colm Ac.39848 | 26/11/20 | Compact quotients of Cahen-Wallach spaces / 2019 | KATH, Ines. |
colm Ac.39849 | 26/11/20 | Minimal weak truth table degrees and computably enumerable Turing degrees / 2020 | DOWNEY, R. G. |
colm Ac.39850 | 26/11/20 | Dynamics near the subcritical transition of the 3D Couette flow I : below threshold case / 2020 | BEDROSSIAN, Jacob. |
colm Ac.39851 | 26/11/20 | Lectures on field theory and topology / 2019 | FREED, Daniel S.. |
colm Ac.39852 | 26/11/20 | WAP systems and labeled subshifts / 2020 | AKIN, Ethan. |
colm Ac.39853 | 26/11/20 | Cornered Heegaard Floer homology / 2019 | DOUGLAS, Christopher L.. |
colm Ac.39854 | 26/11/20 | Automorphisms of fusion systems of finite simple groups of Lie type / 2019 | BROTO, Carles,. |
colm Ac.39855 | 26/11/20 | Hodge ideals / 2019 | MUSTATA, Mircea. |
colm Ac.39856 | 26/11/20 | Stable stems / 2019 | ISAKSEN, Daniel C.. |
colm Ac.39857 | 26/11/20 | Nonlinear diffusion equations and curvature conditions in metric measure spaces / 2019 | AMBROSIO, Luigi. |
colm Ac.39858 | 26/11/20 | Conformal graph directed Markov systems on Carnot groups / 2020 | CHOUSIONIS, Vasilionis. |
colm Ac.39859 | 26/11/20 | Global smooth solutions for the inviscid SQG equation / 2020 | CASTRO, Angel. |
colm Ac.39875 | 26/11/20 | Subgroup decomposition in Out(Fn) / 2020 | HANDEL, Michael. |
colm Ac.39876 | 26/11/20 | Bounded and precise word problems for presentations of groups, The / 2020 | IVANOV, S. V. |
colm Ac.39877 | 26/11/20 | Higher orbifolds and deligne-mumford stacks as structured infinity-topoi / 2020 | CARCHEDI, David Joseph. |
colm Ac.39878 | 26/11/20 | New complex analytic methods in the study of non-orientable minimal surfaces in Rn / 2020 | ALARCÓN, Antonio. |
colm Ac.39879 | 26/11/20 | Geometric optics for surface waves in nonlinear elasticity / 2020 | COULOMBEL, Jean-François. |
colm Ac.39880 | 26/11/20 | Affine flag varieties and quantum symmetric pairs / 2020 | FAN, Zhaobing. |
colm Ac.39881 | 26/11/20 | Localization for THH(ku) and the topological Hochschild and cyclic homology of Waldhausen categories / 2020 | BLUMBERG, Andrew J.. |
colm Ac.39882 | 26/11/20 | Mother body phase transition in the normal matrix model, The / 2020 | BLEHER, Pavel. |
colm Ac.39883 | 26/11/20 | Degree theory of immersed hypersurfaces / 2020 | ROSENBERG, H.. |
colm Ac.39884 | 26/11/20 | Propagating terraces and the dynamics of front-like solutions of reaction-diffusion equations on R / 2020 | POLÁCIK, P.. |
colm Ac.39885 | 26/11/20 | Global well-posedness of high dimensional Maxwell-Dirac for small critical data / 2020 | GAVRUS, Cristian. |
colm Ac.39886 | 26/11/20 | Laminational models for some spaces of polynomials of any degree / 2020 | BLOKH, Alexander M.. |
colm Ac.39888 | 26/11/20 | Unified approach to structural limits and limits of graphs with bounded tree-depth, A / 2020 | NESETRIL, Jaroslav. |
colm Ac.39889 | 26/11/20 | Quasi-periodic standing wave solutions of gravity-capillary water waves / 2020 | BERTI, Massimiliano. |
colm Ac.39890 | 26/11/20 | Triangle-free process and the Ramsey number R(3, k), The / 2020 | PONTIVEROS, Gonzalo Fiz. |
colm Ac.39893 | 26/11/20 | Rigid character groups, Lubin-Tate theory, and (phi, Gamma)–modules / 2020 | BERGER, Laurent. |
colm Ac.39894 | 26/11/20 | Sums of reciprocals of fractional parts and multiplicative diophantine approximation / 2020 | BERESNEVICH, Victor. |
colm Ac.39895 | 26/11/20 | Elementary recursive bound for effective positivstellensatz and Hilbert’s 17th problem, An / 2020 | LOMBARDI, Henri. |
colm Ac.39896 | 26/11/20 | Recent trends in operator theory and applications : workshop, Recent Trends in Operator Theory and Applications, May 3-5, 2018, the University of Memphis, Memphis, TN / 2019 | WORKSHOP ON RECENT TRENDS IN OPERATOR THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, 2018, Memphis, Tenn.). |
colm Ac.39897 | 26/11/20 | Panorama of singularities : a conference in celebration of Lê Dung Tráng’s 70th birthday, February 7-10, 2017, University of Seville, IMUS, Seville, Spain, A / 2020 | NULL |
colm Ac.39898 | 01/12/20 | Analytic trends in mathematical physics / 2020 | SIMS, Robert |
colm Ac.39899 | 01/12/20 | Probabilistic methods : probabilistic methods in geometry, topology, and spectral theory / 2019 | CANZANI, Yaiza |
colm Ac.39900 | 01/12/20 | Analytic methods in arithmetic geometry : Arizona Winter School 2016, Analytic Methods in Arithmetic Geometry, March 12-16, 2016, the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ / 2019 | ARIZONA WINTER SCHOOL ON ANALYTIC METHODS IN ARITHMETIC GEOMETRY, 19th, 2016, Tucson, Ariz.) |
colm Ac.39904 | 04/12/20 | Geometry and analysis of metric spacecs via weighted partitions / 2020 | KIGAMI, Jun. |
colm Ac.39905 | 04/12/20 | Linear differential equations in the complex domain : from classical theory to forefront / 2020 | HARAOKA, Yoshishige. |
colm Ac.39906 | 04/12/20 | Essence of numbers, The / 2020 | PATRAS, Frederic. |
colm Ac.39907 | 04/12/20 | Lectures in algebraic combinatorics : young’s construction, seminormal representations, sl(2) representations, heaps, basics on finite fields / 2020 | GARSIA, Adriano M. |
colm Ac.39908 | 04/12/20 | Complex semisimple quantum groups and representation theory / 2020 | VOIGT, Christian. |
colm Ac.39909 | 04/12/20 | Progress in mathematical fluid dynamics : Cetraro, Italy 2019 / 2020 | BUCKMASTER, Tristan |
colm Ac.39910 | 04/12/20 | Gelfand triples and their Hecke algebras : harmonic analysis for multiplicity-free induced representations of finite groups / 2020 | CECCHERINI-SILBERSTEIN, Tullio |
colm Ac.39911 | 04/12/20 | Desingularization : invariants and strategy : application to dimension 2 / 2020 | COSSART, Vincent |
colm Ac.39912 | 04/12/20 | Profinite semigroups and symbolic dynamics / 2020 | ALMEIDA, Jorge |
colm Ac.39913 | 04/12/20 | Homotopy theory with bornological coarse spaces / 2020 | BUNKE, Ulrich |
colm Ac.39914 | 04/12/20 | Potential theory on Sierpinski carpets : with applications to uniformization / 2020 | NTALAMPEKOS, Dimitrios. |
colm Ac.39933 | 07/12/20 | Multilinear operator integrals : theory and applications / 2019 | SKRIPKA, Anna. |
colm Ac.39935 | 07/12/20 | Geometric analysis : Cetraro, Italy 2018 / 2020 | FRASER, Ailana |
colm Ac.39936 | 07/12/20 | Geometric aspects of functional analysis : Israel Seminar (GAFA) 2017-2019 / 2020 | ISRAEL SEMINAR ON GEOMETRICAL ASPECTS OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 2017-2019) |
colm Ac.39937 | 07/12/20 | Boundary value problems and Markov processes : functional analysis methods for Markov processes – Third edition. / 2020 | TAIRA, Kazuaki. |
colm Ac.39938 | 07/12/20 | Mathematics of mechanobiology : Cetraro, Italy, 2018, The / 2020 | DESIMONE, Antonio. |
colm Ac.39940 | 07/12/20 | Mathematical analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations : Cetraro, Italy 2017 / 2020 | HIEBER, Matthias |
colm Ac.39941 | 07/12/20 | Topology and K-theory : lectures by Daniel Quillen | with contribution by Mikhail Kapranov, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan / 2020 |
colm Ac.39942 | 07/12/20 | Case studies in applied Bayesian data science / 2020 | ROBERT, Christian P.. |
colm Ac.39943 | 07/12/20 | Locally convex quasi *-algebras and their representations / 2020 | FRAGOULOPOULOU, Maria |
colm Ac.39944 | 07/12/20 | Arakelov geometry over adelic curves / 2020 | CHEN, Huayi |
colm Ac.39961 | 07/12/20 | Invariant measures for stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equations: numerical approximations and symplectic structures / 2019 | HONG, Jialin. |
colm Ac.39966 | 07/12/20 | Introduction to l²-invariants / 2019 | KAMMEYER, Holger. |
colm Ac.39969 | 07/12/20 | Introduction to a renormalisation group method / 2019 | BAUERSCHMIDT, Roland. |
colm Ac.40184 | 27/10/21 | Substitution and tiling dynamics : introduction to self-inducing structures : CIRM Jean-Morlet chair, Fall 2017 / 2020 | CENTRE NATIONAL DE RENCONTRES MATHÉMATIQUES (FRANCE). |
colm Ac.40185 | 27/10/21 | Involutive category theory / 2020 | YAU, Donald Y. |
colm Ac.40186 | 27/10/21 | Introduction to Lipschitz geometry of singularities : lecture notes of the International School on Singularity Theory and Lipschitz Geometry, Cuernavaca, June 2018 / 2020 | INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON SINGULARITY THEORY AND LIPSCHITZ GEOMETRY, 2018, Cuernavaca, Mexico) |
colm Ac.40217 | 28/10/21 | Operator theory on one-sided quaternion linear spaces : intrinsic S-functional calculus and spectral operators / 2020 | GANTNER, Jonathan. |
colm Ac.40218 | 28/10/21 | Projective measure without projective Baire / 2020 | FRIEDMAN, Sy D.. |
colm Ac.40219 | 28/10/21 | C-projective geometry / 2020 | CALDERBANK, David M. J. |
colm Ac.40220 | 28/10/21 | Traffic distributions and independence : permutation invariant random matrices and the three notions of independence / 2020 | MALE, Camille. |
colm Ac.40221 | 28/10/21 | On stability of type II blow up for the critical nonlinear wave equation in R3+1 / 2020 | KRIEGER, Joachim. |
colm Ac.40222 | 28/10/21 | ¡ojasiewicz-Simon gradient inequalities for coupled Yang-Mills energy functionals / 2020 | FEEHAN, Paul M. N. |
colm Ac.40223 | 28/10/21 | Theory of fundamental bessel functions of high rank / 2020 | QI, Zhi. |
colm Ac.40224 | 28/10/21 | Conformal symmetry breaking differential operators on differential forms / 2020 | FISCHMANN, Matthias |
colm Ac.40225 | 28/10/21 | Double affine Hecke algebras and congruence groups / 2021 | ION, Bogdan |
colm Ac.40226 | 28/10/21 | Irreducible subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups, The / 2021 | THOMAS, Adam R.. |
colm Ac.40227 | 28/10/21 | Dualizable tensor categories / 2021 | DOUGLAS, Christopher L. |
colm Ac.40228 | 28/10/21 | Weakly modular graphs and nonpositive curvature / 2020 | CHALOPIN, Jérémie |
colm Ac.40229 | 28/10/21 | Hecke operators and systems of eigenvalues on Siegel cusp forms / 2020 | HATADA, Kazuyuki. |
colm Ac.40230 | 29/10/21 | Existence of unimodular triangulations-positive results / 2021 | HAASE, Christian |
colm Ac.40231 | 29/10/21 | Galois and cleft monoidal cowreaths. Applications / 2021 | BULACU, Daniel |
colm Ac.40232 | 29/10/21 | Effective faithful tropicalizations associated to linear systems on curves / 2021 | KAWAGUCHI, Shu. |
colm Ac.40233 | 29/10/21 | Gromov-Witten theory of quotients of Fermat Calabi-Yau varieties / 2021 | IRITANI, Hiroshi |
colm Ac.40234 | 29/10/21 | Local boundedness, maximum principles, and continuity of solutions to infinitely degenerate elliptic equations with rough coefficients / 2021 | KOROBENKO, Lyudmila |
colm Ac.40235 | 29/10/21 | 2D compressible Euler equations in bounded impermeable domains with corners, The / 2021 | GODIN, Paul. |
colm Ac.40236 | 29/10/21 | Resolvent, heat kernel, and torsion under degeneration to fibered cusps / 2021 | ALBIN, Pierre |
colm Ac.40237 | 29/10/21 | Linear dynamical systems on Hilbert spaces : typical properties and explicit examples / 2021 | GRIVAUX, S. |
colm Ac.40238 | 29/10/21 | Differential function spectra, the differential Becker-Gottlieb transfer, and applications to differential algebraic K-theory / 2021 | BUNKE, Ulrich. |
colm Ac.40239 | 29/10/21 | Bounded Littlewood identities / 2021 | RAINS, Eric M.. |
colm Ac.40240 | 29/10/21 | Local well-posedness and break-down criterion of the incompressible Euler equations with free boundary / 2021 | WANG, Chao Chen. |
colm Ac.40241 | 29/10/21 | Hamiltonian perturbation theory for ultra-differentiable functions / 2021 | BOUNEMOURA, Abed. |
colm Ac.40242 | 29/10/21 | Cohomological tensor functors on representations of the general linear supergroup / 2021 | HEIDERSDORF, Thorsten. |
colm Ac.40243 | 29/10/21 | Paley-Wiener theorems for a p-Adic spherical variety / 2021 | DELORME, Patrick. |
colm Ac.40244 | 29/10/21 | Applications of polynomial systems / 2020 | COX, David A. |
colm Ac.40245 | 29/10/21 | Fitting smooth functions to data / 2020 | FEFFERMAN, Charles,. |
colm Ac.40246 | 29/10/21 | Dynamics : topology and numbers : Conference dynamics : topology and numbers, July 2-6, 2018, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany / 2020 | WARD, Thomas. |
colm Ac.40247 | 29/10/21 | Geometry of submanifolds : AMS special session on geometry of submanifolds in honor of Bang-Yen Chen’s 75th birthday, October 20-21, 2018, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan / 2020 | AMS SPECIAL SESSION IN HONOR OF BANG-YEN CHEN’S 75TH BIRTHDAY, 2018, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan). |
colm Ac.40248 | 29/10/21 | Identification and control : some new challenges : Summer school on Identification and Control : some new challenges, June 18-20, 2019, Monastir, Tunisia / 2020 | IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL, 2019, Monastir, Tunisia,. |
colm Ac.40249 | 29/10/21 | Representation theory and beyond : Workshop and 18th International Conference on Representations of Algebras, August 8-17, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic / 2020 | WORKSHOP AND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON REPRESENTATIONS OF ALGEBRAS, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic |
colm Ac.40250 | 29/10/21 | Golden anniversary celebration of the National Association of Mathematicians, The / 2020 | NULL |
colm Ac.40251 | 29/10/21 | Complex analysis and spectral theory : conference in celebration of Thomas Ransford’s 60th birthday : Complex analysis and special theory May 21-25, 2018, Laval University, Quebec, Canada / 2020 | DALES, H. G. |
colm Ac.40252 | 29/10/21 | Characters in low-dimensional topology : a conference celebrating the work of Steven Boyer, June 2-6, 2018, Universitâe du Quebec áa Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada / 2020 | FRIEDL, Stefan |
colm Ac.40353 | 09/11/21 | Liouville-Riemann-Roch theorems on Abelian coverings / 2021 | KHA, Minh |
colm Ac.40489 | 18/11/21 | Geometry, mechanics, and control in action for the falling cat / 2021 | IWAI, Toshihiro. |
colm Ac.40490 | 18/11/21 | Laplacian growth on branched Riemann surfaces / 2021 | GUSTAFSSON, Björn. |
colm Ac.40491 | 18/11/21 | Tomita’s lectures on observable algebras in Hilbert space / 2021 | INOUE, Atsushi,. |
colm Ac.40511 | 19/11/21 | Hardy-Littlewood and Ulyanov inequalities / 2021 | KOLOMOITSEV, Yurii |
colm Ac.40512 | 19/11/21 | Noncommutative homological mirror functor / 2021 | CHO, Cheol-Hyun |
colm Ac.40513 | 19/11/21 | Asymptotic counting in conformal dynamical systems / 2021 | POLLICOTT, Mark |
colm Ac.40514 | 19/11/21 | Uniqueness of fat-tailed self-similar profiles to Smoluchowski’s coagulation equation for a perturbation of the constant kernel / 2021 | THROM, Sebastian. |
colm Ac.40515 | 19/11/21 | On finite GK-dimensional Nichols algebras over Abelian groups / 2021 | ANDRUSKIEWITSCH, Nicolás |
colm Ac.40516 | 19/11/21 | Stability of heat kernel estimates for symmetric non-local Dirichlet forms / 2021 | CHEN, Zhen-Qing |
colm Ac.40517 | 19/11/21 | Model theory of C*-algebras / 2021 | FARAH, Ilijas |
colm Ac.40572 | 22/11/21 | Homotopy theory and arithmetic geometry — Motivic and Diophantine aspects : LMS-CMI Research School, London, July 2018 / 2021 | LMS-CMI RESEARCH SCHOOL ON HOMOTOPY THEORY AND ARITHMETIC GEOMETRY — MOTIVIC AND DIOPHANTINE ASPECTS, 2018, London, England). |
colm Ac.40573 | 26/11/21 | Calabi-Yau landscape : from geometry, to physics, to machine learning, The / 2021 | HE, Yang-Hui. |
colm Ac.40574 | 26/11/21 | Equivariant Poincaré duality on G-manifolds: equivariant Gysin morphism and equivariant Euler classes / 2021 | ARABIA, Alberto. |
colm Ac.40575 | 22/11/21 | Beyond Sobolev and Besov : regularity of solutions of PDEs and their traces in function spaces / 2021 | SCHNEIDER, Cornelia. |
colm Ac.40576 | 22/11/21 | Spread of almost simple classical groups, The / 2021 | HARPER, Scott. |
colm Ac.40615 | 01/12/21 | Malliavin calculus and normal approximations / 2019 | NUALART, David |
colm Ac.40616 | 01/12/21 | Entropy, Lyapunov exponents, and rigidity of group actions / 2019 | BROWN, Aaron. |
colm Ac.40617 | 15/12/21 | Infinitesimal variations of submanifolds / 2021 | DAJCZER, Marcos |
colm Ac.40669 | 19/01/22 | Thermodynamic formalism : CIRM Jean-Morlet Chair, Fall 2019 / 2021 | NULL |
conv Ac.39582 | 05/02/20 | Convexity : an analytic viewpoint / 2011 | SIMON, Barry,. |
cs Ac.39903 | 03/12/20 | Current Developments in Mathematics 2017 / 2019 | JERISON, David. |
cs Ac.40357 | 09/11/21 | World Women in Mathematics 2018 : Proceedings of the First World Meeting for Women in Mathematics (WM)² – 1st ed. 2019. / 2019 | ARAÚJO, Carolina B. de |
cs Ac.40583 | 22/11/21 | Current developments in mathematics, 2018 / 2020 | KISIN, Mark |
dr Ac.39530 | 08/01/20 | Love and math : the heart of hidden reality / 2014 | FRENKEL, Edward,. |
dr Ac.39531 | 08/01/20 | Amor e matemática: o coração da realidade escondida / 2014 | FRENKEL, Edward,. |
dr Ac.39759 | 06/03/20 | Math art : truth, beauty, and equations / 2019 | ORNES, Stephen. |
dr Ac.39765 | 06/03/20 | Algorithms to live by : the computer science of human decisions / 2016 | CHRISTIAN, Brian |
dr Ac.39803 | 24/11/20 | Discrete charm of the machine : why the world became digital, The / 2019 | STEIGLITZ, Kenneth,. |
dr Ac.39901 | 03/12/20 | Livro de jogos de Afonso X, o sábio, O / 2013 | SILVA, Jorge Nuno |
dr Ac.40037 | 28/12/20 | Best writing on mathematics. 2020, The / 2020 | PITICI, Mircea. |
dr Ac.40054 | 30/12/20 | Millions, Billions, Zillions:: Defending yourself in a world of too many numbers / 2020 | KERNIGHAN, Brian W.. |
ed2 Ac.39843 | 26/11/20 | Ordinary differential operators / 2019 | WANG, Aiping. |
ed2 Ac.39977 | 08/12/20 | Methods of mathematical modelling : continuous systems and differential equations / 2015 | WITELSKI, Thomas. |
ed2 Ac.39993 | 10/12/20 | 500 examples and problems of applied differential equations / 2019 | AGARWAL, Ravi P.. |
ed2 Ac.39996 | 11/12/20 | Introduction to complex theory of differential equations / 2017 | SAVIN, Anton Yu. |
ed2 Ac.40023 | 16/12/20 | Solution of ordinary differential equations by continuous groups / 2019 | EMANUEL, George. |
ed2 Ac.40281 | 03/11/21 | Thinking about ordinary differential equations / 1997 | O’MALLEY, Robert E. |
ed2 Ac.40458 | 25/11/21 | Lectures, problems, and solutions for ordinary differential equations – Second edition. / 2018 | DENG, Yuefan. |
ed2 Ac.40533 | 26/11/21 | Instabilities, chaos and turbulence – 2nd ed. / 2010 | MANNEVILLE, P. |
ed2 Ac.40602 | 29/11/21 | 2-D quadratic maps and 3-D ODE systems : a rigorous approach / 2010 | ZERAOULIA, Elhadj |
ed3 Ac.39669 | 18/02/20 | Practical guide to pseudospectral methods, A / 1998 | FORNBERG, Bengt. |
ed3 Ac.39670 | 18/02/20 | Spectral methods for time-dependent problems / 2007 | HESTHAVEN, Jan S |
ed3 Ac.39973 | 08/12/20 | Parabolic equations in biology : growth, reaction, movement and diffusion / 2015 | |
ed3 Ac.39985 | 10/12/20 | Problems on partial differential equations / 2019 | BORODZIK, Maciej. |
ed3 Ac.39987 | 10/12/20 | Tools and problems in partial differential equations / 2020 | ALAZARD, Thomas |
ed3 Ac.39999 | 11/12/20 | Hyperbolic partial differential equations / 2009 | ALINHAC, S.. |
ed3 Ac.40015 | 16/12/20 | Nonlinear partial differential equations with applications – 2nd edition. / 2013 | ROUBICEK, Tomas. |
ed3 Ac.40043 | 28/12/20 | Evolution equations arising in the modelling of life sciences / 2015 | EFENDIEV, Messoud. |
ed3 Ac.40047 | 28/12/20 | Nonlinear systems of partial differential equations : applications to life and physical sciences / 2009 | LEUNG, Anthony W.. |
ed3 Ac.40187 | 27/10/21 | Nonlinear Schrodinger equation : singular solutions and optical collapse, The / 2015 | FIBICH, Gadi. |
ed3 Ac.40261 | 03/11/21 | Singularly perturbed methods for nonlinear elliptic problems / 2021 | CAO, Daomin |
ed3 Ac.40341 | 05/11/21 | Linear and quasilinear parabolic systems : Sobolev space theory / 2020 | HOFF, David Charles. |
ed3 Ac.40345 | 05/11/21 | Extrinsic geometric flows / 2020 | ANDREWS, Ben |
ed3 Ac.40347 | 05/11/21 | Invitation to partial differential equations / 2020 | SHUBIN, M. A. |
ed3 Ac.40355 | 09/11/21 | Partial differential equations for probabilists / 2012 | STROOCK, Daniel W.. |
ed3 Ac.40411 | 26/11/21 | Wave scattering by time dependent perturbations : an introduction / 2007 | ROACH, G. F.. |
ed3 Ac.40423 | 25/11/21 | Elliptic Partial Differential Equations : Volume 1: Fredholm Theory of Elliptic Problems in Unbounded Domains / 2011 | VOLPERT, Vitaly A.,. |
ed3 Ac.40428 | 25/11/21 | Distributions, partial differential equations, and harmonic analysis – Second edition. / 2018 | MITREA, Dorina. |
ed3 Ac.40449 | 17/11/21 | Partial differential equations: modeling, analysis and numerical approximation / 2016 | LE DRET, Hervé |
ed3 Ac.40524 | 19/11/21 | Soliton equations and their algebro-geometric solutions / 2003 | GESZTESY, Fritz,. |
ed3 Ac.40550 | 29/11/21 | Soliton equations and their algebro-geometric solutions / 2003 | GESZTESY, Fritz. |
ed3 Ac.40654 | 15/12/21 | From ordinary to partial differential equations / 2017 | ESPOSITO, Giampiero. |
ed3 Ac.40661 | 15/12/21 | Compact course on linear PDEs, A / 2020 | VALLI, Alberto. |
ed3 Ac.40662 | 15/12/21 | Reduced basis methods for partial differential equations : an introduction / 2016 | QUARTERONI, Alfio. |
ed3 Ac.40664 | 15/12/21 | Solving numerical PDEs : problems, applications, exercises / 2012 | FORMAGGIA, Luca |
ed4 Ac.39660 | 14/02/20 | Sturm-Liouville problems : theory and numerical implementation / 2019 | GUENTHER, Ronald B. |
ed4 Ac.39668 | 18/02/20 | Collocation methods for Volterra integral and related functional differential equations / 2004 | BRUNNER, H.. |
ed4 Ac.40004 | 14/12/20 | Traveling wave analysis of partial differential equations : numerical and analytical methods with MATLAB and Maple / 2012 | GRIFFITHS, Graham W. |
ed4 Ac.40018 | 16/12/20 | Dispersive Shallow Water Waves : Theory, Modeling, and Numerical Methods – 1st ed. 2020. / 2020 | KHAKIMZYANOV, Gayaz.. |
ed4 Ac.40024 | 16/12/20 | Waves in continuous media / 2017 | GAVRILYUK, S. L.. |
ed4 Ac.40271 | 03/11/21 | Introduction to computational stochastic PDEs, An / 2014 | LORD, Gabriel J.. |
ed4 Ac.40430 | 25/11/21 | Jump SDEs and the study of their densities : a self-study book / 2019 | KOHATSU-HIGA, Arturo. |
ed4 Ac.40431 | 16/11/21 | Nonautonomous Dynamics : Nonlinear Oscillations and Global Attractors – 1st ed. 2020. / 2020 | CHEBAN, David N. |
ed4 Ac.40498 | 29/11/21 | Time-domain scattering / 2021 | MARTIN, P. A.. |
ed4 Ac.40501 | 29/11/21 | Differential equations on measures and functional spaces / 2019 | KOLOKOLTSOV, V. N.. |
ed4 Ac.40520 | 19/11/21 | Compressible Fluid Dynamics and Shock Waves – 1st ed. 2020. / 2020 | SASOH, Akihiro. |
ed4 Ac.40571 | 26/11/21 | Convex integration applied to the multi-dimensional compressible Euler equations / 2021 | MARKFELDER, Simon. |
ed4 Ac.40594 | 29/11/21 | Practical course in differential equations and mathematical modelling : classical and new methods, nonlinear mathematical models, symmetry and invariance principles, A / 2010 | IBRAGIMOV, N. Kh.. |
ed4 Ac.40599 | 29/11/21 | Ultrametric pseudodifferential equations and applications / 2018 | KHRENNIKOV, Andrei Yu. |
ed4 Ac.40605 | 30/11/21 | Mathematical analysis of shock wave reflection / 2020 | CHEN, Shuxing. |
ed4 Ac.40645 | 15/12/21 | Numerical methods for PEDs : state of the art techniques / 2018 | NULL |
ed4 Ac.40648 | 15/12/21 | Solving hyperbolic equations with finite volume methods / 2015 | VÁZQUEZ CENDÓN, M. Elena. |
ed4 Ac.40674 | 19/01/22 | Playing Around Resonance : An Invitation to the Search of Periodic Solutions for Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations – Softcover reprint / 2018 | FONDA, Alessandro. |
ed4 Ac.40677 | 21/01/22 | Quaternionic closed operators, fractional powers and fractional diffusion processes / 2019 | COLOMBO, Fabrizio. |
ens Ac.40579 | 22/11/21 | Tópicos de teoria dos números – 2ª edição / 2021 | MOREIRA, Carlos Gustavo T. de A. |
ens Ac.40580 | 22/11/21 | Probabilidade e estatística : aspectos de tomada de decisões e incerteza para o ensino fundamental e médio / 2012 | RIFO, Laura. |
fest Ac.40506 | 18/11/21 | New trends in shape optimization. / 2015 | PRATELLI, Aldo |
fest Ac.40538 | 29/11/21 | Representations and Nilpotent Orbits of Lie Algebraic Systems : In Honour of the 75th Birthday of Tony Joseph – 1st ed. 2019. / 2019 | NULL |
fest Ac.40611 | 30/11/21 | Algebra, Geometry, and Physics in the 21st Century : Kontsevich Festschrift / 2017 | AUROUX, Denis |
geo1 Ac.40050 | 28/12/20 | Universe of conics : from the ancient Greeks to 21st century developments, The / 2016 | GLAESER, Georg |
geo1 Ac.40529 | 26/11/21 | Geometric regular polytopes / 2020 | MCMULLEN, Peter. |
geo1 Ac.40653 | 15/12/21 | Perspectives on Projective Geometry : A Guided Tour Through Real and Complex Geometry / 2011 | RICHTER-GEBERT, Jürgen. |
geo2 Ac.39813 | 24/11/20 | Perfectoid spaces : lectures from the 2017 Arizona Winter School / 2019 | ARIZONA WINTER SCHOOL ON PERFECTOID SPACES, 20th, 2017, Tucson, Ariz.) |
geo2 Ac.40257 | 03/11/21 | Lectures on logarithmic algebraic geometry / 2018 | OGUS, Arthur. |
geo2 Ac.40260 | 03/11/21 | Lectures on K3 surfaces / 2016 | HUYBRECHTS, Daniel. |
geo2 Ac.40352 | 10/11/21 | Notes on geometry and arithmetic / 2020 | CORAY, D. F |
geo2 Ac.40358 | 09/11/21 | Introduction to algebraic geometry / 2021 | KRIZ, I. |
geo2 Ac.40359 | 09/11/21 | Undergraduate primer in algebraic geometry, An / 2021 | CILIBERTO, C.. |
geo2 Ac.40405 | 29/11/21 | Zeta and L-functions of varieties and motives / 2020 | KAHN, Bruno. |
geo2 Ac.40409 | 26/11/21 | Period mappings and period domains – Second edition. / 2017 | CARLSON, James A. |
geo2 Ac.40435 | 29/11/21 | Algebraic geometry. , I, Schemes : with examples and exercises – Second edition. / 2020 | GÖRTZ, Ulrich. |
geo2 Ac.40443 | 29/11/21 | Gross-Zagier formula on Shimura curves, The / 2013 | YUAN, Xinyi |
geo2 Ac.40585 | 29/11/21 | Elliptic curves – 2nd edition. / 2021 | MILNE, J. S.,. |
geo2 Ac.40612 | 30/11/21 | Cubic forms and the circle method / 2021 | BROWNING, Tim. |
geo2 Ac.40644 | 14/12/21 | Projective geometry : solved problems and theory review / 2016 | FORTUNA, Elisabetta |
geo2 Ac.40666 | 15/12/21 | Classification of complex algebraic surfaces / 2020 | CILIBERTO, C.. |
geo2 Ac.40670 | 19/01/22 | Course in Hodge theory : with emphasis on multiple integrals, A / 2021 | MOVASATI, Hossein. |
geo2cs Ac.40684 | 21/01/22 | Algebraic geometry and number theory : Summer School, Galatasaray University, Istanbul, 2014 / 2017 | ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY AND NUMBER THEORY SUMMER SCHOOL, 2014, Galatasary Univeristy, Istanbul,. |
geo3 Ac.39663 | 14/02/20 | Practical guide to the invariant calculus, A / 2010 | MANSFIELD, Elizabeth Louise. |
geo3 Ac.39693 | 02/03/20 | Théorie des invariants integraux / 1927 | DONDER, Th. de. |
geo3 Ac.39763 | 06/03/20 | Principal bundles : the classical case / 2015 | SONTZ, S. B.. |
geo3 Ac.39767 | 06/03/20 | Differential geometry : connections, curvature, and characteristic classes / 2017 | TU, Loring W.. |
geo3 Ac.39768 | 06/03/20 | Geometric relativity / 2019 | LEE, Dan A.. |
geo3 Ac.39842 | 26/11/20 | Submanifold theory : beyond an introduction / 2019 | DAJCZER, Marcos |
geo3 Ac.40005 | 14/12/20 | Differentiable Manifolds : a theoretical physics approach – Second edition. / 2020 | TORRES DEL CASTILLO, Gerardo F.. |
geo3 Ac.40011 | 14/12/20 | Geometry of physics : an introduction, The – 3rd ed. / 2012 | FRANKEL, Theodore,. |
geo3 Ac.40052 | 28/12/20 | Differential geometry and Lie Groups : a computational perspective / 2020 | GALLIER, Jean H. |
geo3 Ac.40311 | 04/11/21 | Visual differential geometry and forms : a mathematical drama in five acts / 2021 | NEEDHAM, Tristan. |
geo3 Ac.40339 | 05/11/21 | Curvature of space and time, with an introduction to geometric analysis / 2020 | STAVROV, Iva. |
geo3 Ac.40344 | 05/11/21 | Hyperbolic knot theory / 2020 | PURCELL, Jessica S.. |
geo3 Ac.40348 | 05/11/21 | Geometry and topology of manifolds : surfaces and beyond / 2020 | MUÑOZ, V.. |
geo3 Ac.40420 | 25/11/21 | Curvature Measures of Singular Sets – 1st ed. 2019. / 2019 | RATAJ, Jan |
geo3 Ac.40532 | 26/11/21 | Spectral geometry of the Laplacian : spectral analysis and differential geometry of the Laplacian / 2017 | URAKAWA, Hajime,. |
geo3cs Ac.39552 | 13/01/20 | Differential geometry, Valencia 2001 : proceedings of the international conference held to honour the 60th birthday of A.M. Naveira, Valencia, July 8-14, 2001 / 2002 | GIL-MEDRANO, O. |
geo3cs Ac.40216 | 28/10/21 | Differential geometry, Calabi-Yau theory, and general relativity : lectures given at conferences celebrating the 70th birthday of Shing-Tung Yau at Harvard University in 2019 / 2020 | YAU, Shing-Tung,. |
geo4 Ac.39558 | 23/01/20 | How to fold it : the mathematics of linkages, origami, and polyhedra / 2011 | O’ROURKE, Joseph. |
geo4 Ac.39559 | 23/01/20 | Fractalize that! : a visual essay on statistical geometry / 2019 | SHIER, John. |
geo4 Ac.39575 | 03/02/20 | Aperiodic order / 2013 | BAAKE, Michael. |
geo4 Ac.40299 | 04/11/21 | Geometry and complexity theory / 2017 | LANDSBERG, J. M.. |
geo4 Ac.40312 | 04/11/21 | Lectures on random lozenge tilings / 2021 | GORIN, Vadim. |
geo4 Ac.40320 | 08/11/21 | Formal geometry and bordism operations / 2019 | PETERSON, Eric. |
geo4 Ac.40450 | 29/11/21 | Holomorphic curves and global questions in contact geometry / 2019 | ABBAS, Casim |
glrg Ac.39570 | 03/02/20 | Representation theory : a combinatorial viewpoint / 2015 | PRASAD, Amritanshu. |
glrg Ac.39837 | 26/11/20 | Introduction to arithmetic groups / 2019 | BOREL, Armand. |
glrg Ac.40313 | 04/11/21 | Character theory of finite groups of Lie type : a guided tour, The / 2020 | GECK, Meinolf. |
glrg Ac.40318 | 04/11/21 | Course in finite group representation theory, A / 2016 | WEBB, Peter. |
glrg Ac.40324 | 05/11/21 | Representations of the infinite symmetric group / 2017 | BORODIN ALEXEI |
glrg Ac.40337 | 05/11/21 | Automorphic forms and L-functions for the group GL(n, R) – Paperback edition / 2015 | GOLDFELD, D. |
glrg Ac.40410 | 12/11/21 | Analysis on Lie groups : an introduction / 2008 | FARAUT, Jacques,. |
glrg Ac.40421 | 25/11/21 | Hardy inequalities on homogeneous groups : 100 years of Hardy inequalities / 2019 | RUZHANSKY, M.. |
glrg Ac.40447 | 29/11/21 | Automorphic representations and L-functions for the general linear group / 2011 | GOLDFELD, D. |
glrg Ac.40487 | 29/11/21 | Harmonic analysis on finite groups : representation theory, Gelfand pairs and Markov chains / 2008 | CECCHERINI-SILBERSTEIN, Tullio |
glrgcs Ac.40535 | 19/11/21 | Representations of reductive p-adic groups : International Conference, IISER, Pune, India 2017 / 2019 | REPRESENTATIONS OF REDUCTIVE P-ADIC GROUPS (CONFERENCE), 2017, Pune, India). |
hist Ac.39569 | 03/02/20 | Once and future Turing, The / 2016 | NULL |
hist Ac.39664 | 14/02/20 | Legacy of Bernhard Riemann after one hundred and fifty years = Liman de xue shu yi chan : 150 nian xun li, The / 2015 | JI, Lizhen |
hist Ac.39799 | 24/11/20 | Narrow corridor : states, societies, and the fate of liberty, The / 2019 | ACEMOGLU, Daron |
hist Ac.39800 | 24/11/20 | FELIX KLEIN : visionen für mathematik, anwendungen und unterricht. / 2019 | TOBIES, Renate. |
hist Ac.39801 | 24/11/20 | Euler’s gem : the polyhedron formula and the birth of topology / 2012 | RICHESON, David S.. |
hist Ac.39802 | 24/11/20 | Justice as fairness : a restatement / 2003 | RAWLS, John |
hist Ac.39804 | 24/11/20 | Economic origins of dictatorship and democracy – [First paperback / 2009 | ACEMOGLU, Daron |
hist Ac.39806 | 24/11/20 | Newton the alchemist : science, enigma, and the quest for nature’s “secret fire” / 2019 | NEWMAN, William R.. |
hist Ac.39807 | 24/11/20 | Built to last : a political architecture for Europe / 2003 | BERGLOF, Erik. CENTRE FOR ECONOMIC POLICY RESEARCH (GREAT BRITAIN). . UNIVERSITÄT BONN.. |
hist Ac.39808 | 24/11/20 | Révolution symbolique: La constitution de l’écriture symbolique mathématique, La / 2005 | SERFATI, Michel. |
hist Ac.39809 | 24/11/20 | Mathematics in historical context / 2009 | SUZUKI, Jeff. |
hist Ac.39818 | 24/11/20 | Never a dull moment : Hassler Whitney, mathematics pioneer / 2018 | KENDIG, Keith,. |
hist Ac.40025 | 21/12/20 | Fermat et les débuts modernes de la géométrie / 2018 | RASHED, Roshdi. |
hist Ac.40026 | 21/12/20 | New light on George Boole / 2018 | MACHALE, Des. |
hist Ac.40027 | 21/12/20 | Impossibility of squaring the circle in the 17th century : a debate among Gregory, Huygens and Leibniz, The / 2019 | CRIPPA, Davide. |
hist Ac.40028 | 21/12/20 | Karl Weierstrass (1815-1897) : Aspekte seines Lebens und Werkes = Aspects of his life and work / 2016 | NULL |
hist Ac.40029 | 21/12/20 | Grassmann / 2009 | PETSCHE, Hans-Joachim. |
hist Ac.40030 | 21/12/20 | Enlightening symbols : a short history of mathematical notation and its hidden powers / 2014 | MAZUR, Joseph. |
hist Ac.40031 | 21/12/20 | Concise history of mathematics for philosophers, A / 2019 | STILLWELL, John. |
hist Ac.40032 | 21/12/20 | From a geometrical point of view : a study of the history and philosophy of category theory / 2009 | MARQUIS, Jean-Pierre. |
hist Ac.40033 | 21/12/20 | Turning points in the history of mathematics / 2015 | GRANT, Hardy. |
hist Ac.40034 | 21/12/20 | Einstein’s Italian mathematicians : Ricci, Levi-Civita, and the birth of general relativity / 2018 | GOODSTEIN, Judith R.. |
hist Ac.40036 | 28/12/20 | What’s next? : the mathematical legacy of William P. Thurston / 2020 | THURSTON, William P. |
hist Ac.40038 | 28/12/20 | Doctrine of triangles : a history of modern trigonometry, The / 2021 | VAN BRUMMELEN, Glen. |
hist Ac.40040 | 28/12/20 | Eudemus of Rhodes / 2002 | BODNAR, Istvan |
hist Ac.40214 | 28/10/21 | Mathématiques dans le monde scientifique contemporain, Les / 2005 | YOCCOZ, Jean-Christophe. ACADÉMIE DES SCIENCES (FRANCE).. |
hist Ac.40309 | 04/11/21 | Doctrine of triangles : a history of modern trigonometry, The / 2021 | VAN BRUMMELEN, Glen. |
hist Ac.40403 | 29/11/21 | History of mathematics : states of the art / 1996 | DAUBEN, Joseph W.. |
hist Ac.40483 | 29/11/21 | First universities : Studium generale and the origins of university education in Europe, The – Digitally printed / 2009 | PEDERSEN, Olaf. |
hist Ac.40522 | 26/11/21 | Historiography of mathematics in the 19th and 20th centuries / 2016 | REMMERT, Volker R. |
hist Ac.40530 | 26/11/21 | Isidore de Séville: genèse et originalité de la culture hispanique au temps des Wisigoths / 2000 | FONTAINE, Jacques. |
hist Ac.40681 | 21/01/22 | Seventeenth-Century Indivisibles Revisited / 2015 | NULL |
histcs Ac.39840 | 26/11/20 | Meeting under the integral sign? : the Oslo Congress of Mathematicians on the eve of the Second World War / 2020 | HOLLINGS, Christopher |
lf1 Ac.39764 | 06/03/20 | First journey through logic, A / 2019 | HILS, Martin. |
lf1 Ac.40441 | 29/11/21 | Lectures in logic and set theory – 1st pbk. ed. / 2010 | TOURLAKIS, George J.. |
lf2 Ac.40445 | 29/11/21 | Proof complexity / 2019 | KRAJÍCEK, Jan. |
lf3 Ac.40282 | 03/11/21 | Finite ordered sets : concepts, results and uses / 2012 | CASPARD, Nathalie |
lf3 Ac.40292 | 03/11/21 | Foundations of mathematics in the theory of sets, The / 2010 | MAYBERRY, John P. |
ma1 Ac.39972 | 08/12/20 | Primer on Mathematical Modelling. La Matematica per il 3+2, A / 2020 | QUARTERONI, Alfio. |
ma1 Ac.40048 | 28/12/20 | Comprehensive Applied Mathematical Modeling in the Natural and Engineering Sciences : theoretical predictions compared with data / 2017 | WOLLKIND, David J. |
ma1 Ac.40049 | 28/12/20 | Applied mathematics : data compression, spectral methods, fourier analysis, wavelets, and applications / 2013 | CHUI, C. K.. |
ma1 Ac.40314 | 04/11/21 | Calculus reordered : a history of the big ideas / 2021 | BRESSOUD, David M.,. |
ma1 Ac.40523 | 26/11/21 | Practical foundations of mathematics / 2003 | TAYLOR, Paul. |
ma10 Ac.39577 | 05/02/20 | Numerical linear algebra : an introduction / 2018 | WENDLAND, Holger. |
ma10 Ac.39580 | 05/02/20 | Numerical solution of integral equations of the second kind, The / 2009 | ATKINSON, Kendall E.. |
ma10 Ac.39581 | 05/02/20 | Numerical bifurcation analysis of maps : from theory to software / 2019 | KUZNETSOV, IU. A. |
ma10 Ac.39633 | 07/02/20 | Practical extrapolation methods : theory and applications / 2003 | SIDI, Avram. |
ma10 Ac.39634 | 07/02/20 | Greedy approximation / 2011 | TEMLYAKOV, Vladimir. |
ma10 Ac.39667 | 18/02/20 | High-order methods for incompressible fluid flow / 2002 | DEVILLE, M. O |
ma10 Ac.39672 | 18/02/20 | Matrix preconditioning techniques and applications / 2005 | CHEN, Ke,. |
ma10 Ac.39770 | 06/03/20 | Iterative Krylov methods for large linear systems / 2009 | VORST, H. A. van der. |
ma10 Ac.39979 | 09/12/20 | Elements of computational fluid dynamics / 2011 | RAMSHAW, John D.. |
ma10 Ac.39990 | 10/12/20 | Programming for computations – MATLAB/Octave : a gentle introduction to numerical simulations with MATLAB/Octave / 2016 | LINGE, Svein |
ma10 Ac.39991 | 10/12/20 | Finite difference computing with PDEs : a modern software approach / 2017 | LANGTANGEN, Hans Petter. |
ma10 Ac.39992 | 10/12/20 | Wave turbulence / 2010 | NAZARENKO, Sergey. |
ma10 Ac.39997 | 11/12/20 | Guide to numerical modelling in systems biology, A / 2015 | DEUFLHARD, P.. |
ma10 Ac.40006 | 14/12/20 | Primer on scientific programming with Python, A – Fifth edition. / 2016 | LANGTANGEN, Hans Petter. |
ma10 Ac.40020 | 16/12/20 | Numerical linear algebra and matrix factorizations / 2020 | LYCHE, Tom. |
ma10 Ac.40021 | 16/12/20 | Exercises in Numerical Linear Algebra and Matrix Factorizations / 2020 | LYCHE, Tom |
ma10 Ac.40022 | 16/12/20 | Fluid dynamics via examples and solutions / 2014 | NAZARENKO, Sergey. |
ma10 Ac.40051 | 28/12/20 | Scientific computing : an introduction using Maple and MATAB / 2014 | GANDER, Walter |
ma10 Ac.40335 | 05/11/21 | Perturbation methods / 1991 | HINCH, E. J.. |
ma10 Ac.40388 | 10/11/21 | Matrices, moments, and quadrature with applications / 2010 | GOLUB, Gene H. |
ma10 Ac.40462 | 17/11/21 | Control theoretic splines : optimal control, statistics, and path planning / 2010 | EGERSTEDT, Magnus |
ma10 Ac.40649 | 15/12/21 | Numerical analysis using Sage / 2015 | ANASTASSIOU, George A.. |
ma10cs Ac.40508 | 18/11/21 | New Sinc methods of numerical analysis : Festschrift in honor of Frank Stenger’s 80th birthday / 2021 | NULL |
ma11 Ac.39572 | 03/02/20 | Combinatorics, words and symbolic dynamics / 2016 | BERTHÉ, V.. |
ma11 Ac.40266 | 03/11/21 | Algebraic combinatorics on words / 2010 | LOTHAIRE, M.. |
ma11 Ac.40280 | 03/11/21 | Combinatorial games : tic-tac-toe theory – Pbk. ed. / 2011 | BECK, József. |
ma11 Ac.40286 | 03/11/21 | Probabilistic methods in combinatorial analysis – 1st pbk. ed. / 2010 | SACHKOV, Vladimir Nikolaevich. |
ma11 Ac.40303 | 04/11/21 | Analytic combinatorics in several variables / 2013 | PEMANTLE, Robin |
ma11 Ac.40322 | 04/11/21 | Erdös-Ko-Rado theorems: algebraic approaches / 2016 | GODSIL, C. D.. |
ma11 Ac.40328 | 05/11/21 | Combinatorial methods in discrete mathematics – Rev. ed. / 2010 | SACHKOV, Vladimir Nikolaevich. |
ma11 Ac.40329 | 05/11/21 | Algorithmic aspects of graph connectivity / 2019 | NAGAMOCHI, Hiroshi. |
ma11 Ac.40343 | 05/11/21 | Combinatorics : the art of counting / 2020 | SAGAN, Bruce Eli. |
ma11 Ac.40439 | 17/11/21 | Tolerance graphs / 2004 | GOLUMBIC, Martin Charles |
ma11 Ac.40455 | 25/11/21 | Enumerative combinatorics / 1986 | STANLEY, Richard P.,. |
ma11 Ac.40456 | 26/11/21 | Introduction to Ramsey spaces / 2010 | TODORCEVIC, Stevo. |
ma11 Ac.40484 | 18/11/21 | Random graphs – 2nd ed. / 2001 | BOLLOBÁS, Béla. |
ma11 Ac.40540 | 26/11/21 | Topics in algorithmic graph theory / 2021 | NULL |
ma11 Ac.40552 | 26/11/21 | Combinatorial set theory of C*-algebras / 2019 | FARAH, Ilijas,. |
ma11 Ac.40613 | 30/11/21 | Equidistribution and counting under equilibrium states in negative curvature and trees : applications to non-Archimedean diophantine approximation / 2019 | BROISE-ALAMICHEL, Anne. |
ma11 Ac.40656 | 15/12/21 | Discrete calculus : methods for counting / 2016 | MARICONDA, Carlo. |
ma12 Ac.40636 | 13/12/21 | Machine learning : the art and science of algorithms that make sense of data / 2012 | FLACH, Peter A. |
ma12 Ac.40637 | 13/12/21 | Understanding machine learning : from theory to algorithms / 2014 | SHALEV-SHWARTZ, Shai |
ma12A Ac.39561 | 29/01/20 | Seen, unseen : 3D visualization – 1st edition. / 2019 | NULL |
ma12A Ac.39579 | 05/02/20 | Elegant fractals : automated generation of computer art / 2019 | SPROTT, Julien C.. |
ma12A Ac.39665 | 14/02/20 | Deep learning techniques for music generation / 2020 | BRIOT, Jean-Pierre. |
ma12A Ac.39805 | 24/11/20 | Visualizing quaternions / 2006 | HANSON, Andrew. |
ma12A Ac.40362 | 09/11/21 | Auxiliary signal design for failure detection / 2004 | CAMPBELL, Stephen La Vern |
ma12A Ac.40657 | 15/12/21 | Linear algebra and optimization for machine learning : a textbook / 2020 | AGGARWAL, Charu C.. |
ma12B Ac.39902 | 03/12/20 | Computational complexity : a modern approach / 2009 | ARORA, Sanjeev |
ma12B Ac.40330 | 05/11/21 | Introduction to parallel and vector scientific computing, An / 2006 | SHONKWILER, Ronald W. |
ma12B Ac.40349 | 08/11/21 | Simula research laboratory : by thinking constantly about it / 2009 | TVEITO, Aslak |
ma12B Ac.40453 | 25/11/21 | Formal verification of control system software / 2019 | GAROCHE, Pierre-Loïc. |
ma12B Ac.40495 | 29/11/21 | Genomic signal processing / 2007 | SHMULEVICH, Ilya |
ma2 Ac.39553 | 13/01/20 | Monte Carlo statistical methods – 2nd ed. / 2004 | ROBERT, Christian P. |
ma2 Ac.39635 | 07/02/20 | Algebraic geometry and statistical learning theory / 2009 | WATANABE, Sumio. |
ma2 Ac.39769 | 06/03/20 | Course in probability theory, A – 3rd ed. / 2001 | CHUNG, Kai Lai. |
ma2 Ac.40046 | 28/12/20 | Game-theoretic foundations for probability and finance / 2019 | SHAFER, Glenn |
ma2 Ac.40191 | 28/10/21 | Introduction to Bartlett correction and bias reduction, An – 2014 edition. / 2014 | CORDEIRO, Gauss Moutinho. |
ma2 Ac.40262 | 03/11/21 | Generators of Markov chains : from a walk in the interior to a dance on the boundary / 2021 | BOBROWSKI, Adam. |
ma2 Ac.40385 | 26/11/21 | Statistical inference via convex optimization / 2020 | JUDITSKY, Anatoli. |
ma2 Ac.40418 | 25/11/21 | Numerical probability : an introduction with applications to finance / 2018 | PAGÈS, Gilles. |
ma2 Ac.40419 | 25/11/21 | Stochastic modeling / 2017 | LANCHIER, Nicolas. |
ma2 Ac.40429 | 25/11/21 | Probability theory : a comprehensive course – Third edition. / 2020 | KLENKE, Achim. |
ma2 Ac.40647 | 15/12/21 | Introduction to algebraic statistics with tensors, An / 2019 | BOCCI, Cristiano |
ma2A Ac.39762 | 06/03/20 | Probability and stochastics / 2011 | ÇINLAR, E.. |
ma2A Ac.40013 | 16/12/20 | Analysis and geometry of Markov diffusion operators – First edition. / 2014 | BAKRY, D.. |
ma2A Ac.40291 | 03/11/21 | Stochastic modelling of reaction-diffusion processes / 2020 | ERBAN, Radek. |
ma2A Ac.40297 | 04/11/21 | Martingales in banach spaces / 2016 | PISIER, Gilles. |
ma2A Ac.40413 | 26/11/21 | Bandit algorithms / 2020 | LATTIMORE, Tor |
ma2A Ac.40461 | 25/11/21 | Hidden Markov processes : theory and applications to biology / 2014 | VIDYASAGAR, M. |
ma2A Ac.40518 | 26/11/21 | Mathematics of the bond market : a Lévy processes approach / 2020 | BARSKI, Michal. |
ma2A Ac.40598 | 29/11/21 | Structured dependence between stochastic processes / 2020 | BIELECKI, Tomasz R.. |
ma2A Ac.40651 | 15/12/21 | Random walk, Brownian motion, and Martingales / 2021 | BHATTACHARYA, R. N.. |
ma3 Ac.39548 | 13/01/20 | Linear and nonlinear programming – 3. ed. / 2008 | LUENBERGER, David G. |
ma3 Ac.39578 | 05/02/20 | Twenty lectures on algorithmic game theory / 2016 | ROUGHGARDEN, Tim. |
ma3 Ac.39761 | 06/03/20 | Behavioral game theory : experiments in strategic interaction / 2010 | CAMERER, Colin,. |
ma3 Ac.39976 | 08/12/20 | Game theory in action : an introduction to classical and evolutionary models / 2016 | SCHECTER, Stephen. |
ma3 Ac.40035 | 21/12/20 | Opt art : from mathematical optimization to visual design / 2019 | BOSCH, Robert. |
ma3 Ac.40215 | 28/10/21 | Control perspectives on numerical algorithms and matrix problems / 2006 | BHAYA, Amit |
ma3 Ac.40288 | 03/11/21 | First course in combinatorial optimization, A [electronic resource] / 2004 | LEE, Jon. |
ma3 Ac.40289 | 03/11/21 | Mathematical models in the applied sciences / 1997 | FOWLER, A. C. |
ma3 Ac.40306 | 04/11/21 | Global methods for combinatorial isoperimetric problems / 2010 | HARPER, Lawrence H.. |
ma3 Ac.40334 | 05/11/21 | Iterative methods in combinatorial optimization / 2011 | LAU, Lap Chi |
ma3 Ac.40350 | 08/11/21 | Operations research in production planning, scheduling, and inventory control / 1974 | JOHNSON, Lynwood Albert |
ma3 Ac.40427 | 25/11/21 | Mathematical foundations of game theory / 2019 | LARAKI, Rida. |
ma3 Ac.40463 | 17/11/21 | Distributed control of robotic networks : a mathematical approach to motion coordination algorithms / 2009 | BULLO, Francesco |
ma3 Ac.40499 | 29/11/21 | First-order methods in optimization / 2017 | BECK, Amir. |
ma3 Ac.40500 | 18/11/21 | Trends in PDE constrained optimization / 2014 | LEUGERING, Günter. |
ma3 Ac.40504 | 18/11/21 | Introduction to nonlinear optimization : theory, algorithms, and applications with MATLAB / 2014 | BECK, Amir. |
ma3 Ac.40507 | 29/11/21 | Convex and stochastic optimization / 2019 | BONNANS, J. F.. |
ma3 Ac.40510 | 29/11/21 | Modern nonconvex nondifferentiable optimization / 2021 | CUI, Ying |
ma3 Ac.40642 | 13/12/21 | Lectures on optimal transport / 2021 | AMBROSIO, Luigi. |
ma3 Ac.40659 | 15/12/21 | Synchronization : from coupled systems to complex networks / 2018 | BOCCALETTI, S |
ma4 Ac.39547 | 13/01/20 | Guide to econometrics, A – 6th ed. / 2008 | KENNEDY, Peter. |
ma4 Ac.39551 | 13/01/20 | Modern portfolio theory and investment analysis – 6th ed. / 2003 | ELTON, Edwin J. |
ma4 Ac.39554 | 13/01/20 | Macroeconomia – 10. ed. / 2009 | DORNBUSCH, Rudiger |
ma4 Ac.39555 | 13/01/20 | Matemática para economistas / 2004 | SIMON, Carl P. |
ma4 Ac.39598 | 05/02/20 | Upstream petroleum fiscal and valuation modelling in Excel : a worked examples approach / 2013 | KASRIEL, Ken. |
ma4 Ac.39599 | 05/02/20 | Economia brasileira contemporânea: 1945-2010 – 2a. ed. / 2011 | GIAMBIAGI, Fabio. |
ma4 Ac.39600 | 05/02/20 | Arbitrage theory in continuous time – 3rd ed. / 2009 | BJORK, Tomas. |
ma4 Ac.39601 | 05/02/20 | Microeconomia : princípios básicos – uma abordagem moderna / 2003 | VARIAN, Hal R.. |
ma4 Ac.39609 | 05/02/20 | Project finance in theory and practice : designing, structuring, and financing private and public projects / 2008 | GATTI, Stefano. |
ma4 Ac.39610 | 05/02/20 | Reformas no Brasil : balanço e agenda / 2004 | GIAMBIAGI, Fabio |
ma4 Ac.39611 | 05/02/20 | Macroeconomia – 2. ed. / 1995 | SIMONSEN, Mário Henrique |
ma4 Ac.39612 | 06/02/20 | Valuation : measuring and managing the value of companies – 5th ed. / 2010 | KOLLER, Tim |
ma4 Ac.39613 | 06/02/20 | Fooled by randomness : the hidden role of chance in life and in the markets – 2nd ed., updated. / 2005 | TALEB, Nassim Nicholas. |
ma4 Ac.39614 | 06/02/20 | Real options and investment under uncertainty : classical readings and recent contributions / 2004 | SCHWARTZ, Eduardo S. |
ma4 Ac.39615 | 06/02/20 | Investment banking : valuation, leveraged buyouts, and mergers & acquisitions / 2009 | ROSENBAUM, Joshua |
ma4 Ac.39616 | 06/02/20 | Equity valuation : models from leading investment banks / 2007 | VIEBIG, Jan |
ma4 Ac.39617 | 06/02/20 | Investment valuation – 2nd ed. / 2001 | DAMODARAN, Aswath. |
ma4 Ac.39639 | 07/02/20 | Heavy tails and copulas : topics in dependence modelling in economics and finance / 2017 | IBRAGIMOV, Rustam. |
ma4 Ac.39707 | 05/03/20 | Theory of justice, A – Revised edition. / 1999 | RAWLS, John. |
ma4 Ac.39708 | 05/03/20 | Theory of justice. Study guide, A / 2013 | RAWLS, John. |
ma4 Ac.39709 | 05/03/20 | Political liberalism – Expanded ed. / 2005 | RAWLS, John. |
ma4 Ac.39711 | 05/03/20 | Disciplined entrepreneurship : 24 steps to a successful startup – [9th printing]. / 2015 | AULET, Bill. |
ma4 Ac.39712 | 05/03/20 | Disciplined entrepreneurship workbook / 2017 | AULET, Bill. |
ma4 Ac.39713 | 05/03/20 | Liberalism and the limits of justice / 2008 | SANDEL, Michael J.. |
ma4 Ac.39714 | 05/03/20 | Political economy and policy analysis / 2019 | MERLO, Antonio. |
ma4 Ac.39715 | 05/03/20 | Monetary and fiscal policy : credibility. / 1994 | PERSSON, Torsten |
ma4 Ac.39716 | 05/03/20 | Anarchy, state, and utopia / 2013 | NOZICK, Robert. |
ma4 Ac.39720 | 05/03/20 | Foundations of measurement. / 2007 | SUPPES, Patrick,. |
ma4 Ac.39721 | 06/03/20 | Macroeconomic policy, credibility and politics – First issued in 1 / 2011 | PERSSON, Torsten |
ma4 Ac.39722 | 05/03/20 | Political economics : explaining economic policy / 2000 | PERSSON, Torsten |
ma4 Ac.39723 | 05/03/20 | Misbehaving : the making of behavioral economics – First edition. / 2015 | THALER, Richard H.. |
ma4 Ac.39724 | 06/03/20 | Course in behavioral economics, A – Second edition. / 2016 | ANGNER, Erik. |
ma4 Ac.39725 | 05/03/20 | Economic effects of constitutions, The / 2003 | PERSSON, Torsten |
ma4 Ac.39726 | 05/03/20 | How we misunderstand economics and why it matters : the psychology of bias, distortion and conspiracy / 2018 | LEISER, David. |
ma4 Ac.39727 | 05/03/20 | Commodities and commodity derivatives : modeling and pricing for agriculturals, metals, and energy / 2005 | GEMAN, Helyette. |
ma4 Ac.39728 | 05/03/20 | Marketing to mindstates : the practical guide to applying behavior design to research and marketing / 2018 | LEACH, Will. |
ma4 Ac.39810 | 24/11/20 | Why nations fail : the origins of power, prosperity, and poverty – 1st pbk. ed. / 2012 | ACEMOGLU, Daron |
ma4 Ac.39811 | 24/11/20 | Introduction to modern economic growth / 2009 | ACEMOGLU, Daron. |
ma4 Ac.39815 | 24/11/20 | Positive political theory I : collective preference – 1st pbk. ed. / 2000 | AUSTEN-SMITH, David |
ma4 Ac.39816 | 24/11/20 | Positive political theory II : strategy and structure / 2005 | AUSTEN-SMITH, David |
ma4 Ac.39817 | 24/11/20 | Endogenous growth theory / 1999 | AGHION, Philippe |
ma4 Ac.40493 | 18/11/21 | Short introduction to strategic human resource management / 2012 | CASCIO, Wayne F.. |
ma4 Psychological aspects Ac.39710 | 05/03/20 | Nudge : improving decisions about health, wealth, and happiness / 2008 | THALER, Richard H. |
ma5 Ac.39567 | 03/02/20 | Generalized Riemann problems in computational fluid dynamics / 2010 | BEN-ARTZI, Matania |
ma5 Ac.39666 | 18/02/20 | Symmetry, phase modulation and nonlinear waves / 2017 | BRIDGES, Thomas J.,. |
ma5 Ac.39671 | 18/02/20 | Applied wave mathematics. : II : selected topics in solids, fluids, and mathematical methods and complexity / 2019 | NULL |
ma5 Ac.39981 | 09/12/20 | Fluid dynamics and linear elasticity : a first course in continuum mechanics / 2019 | RUDERMAN, Michael S.. |
ma5 Ac.40000 | 14/12/20 | Fundamentals of multiphase flow / 2005 | BRENNEN, Christopher E. |
ma5 Ac.40007 | 14/12/20 | Fluid mechanics: foundations and applications of mechanics. Volume II – Third edition. / 2015 | JOG, C. S.. |
ma5 Ac.40190 | 27/10/21 | Numerical methods for fluid dynamics : with applications to geophysics – 2nd edition. / 2010 | DURRAN, Dale R.. |
ma5 Ac.40263 | 03/11/21 | Fluid dynamics of cell motility, The / 2020 | LAUGA, Eric. |
ma5 Ac.40264 | 03/11/21 | Microhydrodynamics, Brownian motion, and complex fluids / 2018 | GRAHAM, Michael D.. |
ma5 Ac.40265 | 03/11/21 | Introduction to magnetohydrodynamics – Second edition. / 2017 | DAVIDSON, P. A.. |
ma5 Ac.40269 | 03/11/21 | Flow, deformation and fracture : lectures on fluid mechanics and the mechanics of deformable solids for mathematicians and physicists / 2014 | BARENBLATT, G. I.. |
ma5 Ac.40270 | 03/11/21 | Hydrodynamic instabilities / 2011 | CHARRU, François. |
ma5 Ac.40272 | 03/11/21 | Self-exciting fluid dynamos / 2019 | MOFFATT, H. K.. |
ma5 Ac.40273 | 03/11/21 | Scaling, self-similarity, and intermediate asymptotics / 1996 | BARENBLATT, G. I.. |
ma5 Ac.40274 | 03/11/21 | Scaling / 2003 | BARENBLATT, G. I.. |
ma5 Ac.40276 | 03/11/21 | Applied analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations / 1995 | DOERING, Charles R |
ma5 Ac.40278 | 03/11/21 | Theory of vortex sound / 2003 | HOWE, M. S. |
ma5 Ac.40279 | 03/11/21 | Physical introduction to suspension dynamics, A / 2012 | GUAZZELLI, Élisabeth |
ma5 Ac.40283 | 03/11/21 | Think before you compute : a prelude to computational fluid dynamics / 2020 | HINCH, E. J.. |
ma5 Ac.40287 | 03/11/21 | Thermomechanics of plasticity and fracture, The / 1992 | MAUGIN, G. A. |
ma5 Ac.40290 | 03/11/21 | High speed flow / 2000 | CHAPMAN, C. J. |
ma5 Ac.40295 | 03/11/21 | Viscous flow / 1994 | OCKENDON, Hilary |
ma5 Ac.40300 | 04/11/21 | Three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations : classical theory, The – First published / 2016 | ROBINSON, James C.. |
ma5 Ac.40333 | 05/11/21 | Boundary integral and singularity methods for linearized viscous flow / 1992 | POZRIKIDIS, C. |
ma5 Ac.40361 | 09/11/21 | Elements of fluid dynamics / 2012 | BURESTI, Guido. |
ma5 Ac.40406 | 29/11/21 | Theoretical fluid dynamics. / 2021 | FELDMEIER, Achim. |
ma5 Ac.40459 | 25/11/21 | Classical mechanics and electrodynamics / 2019 | LEINAAS, Jon Magne. |
ma5 Ac.40460 | 25/11/21 | Mathematical methods in elasticity imaging / 2015 | AMMARI, Habib. |
ma5 Ac.40519 | 19/11/21 | Continuum methods of physical modeling : continuum mechanics, dimensional analysis, turbulence / 2004 | HUTTER, Kolumban |
ma5 Ac.40536 | 29/11/21 | Fractional calculus : an introduction for physicists – 3rd edition. / 2018 | HERRMANN, Richard. |
ma5 Ac.40589 | 29/11/21 | Mathematical analysis of deterministic and stochastic problems in complex media electromagnetics / 2012 | ROACH, G. F. |
ma5 Ac.40590 | 29/11/21 | Stability and control of large-scale dynamical systems : a vector dissipative systems approach / 2011 | HADDAD, Wassim M. |
ma5 Ac.40591 | 29/11/21 | Fundamentals of multiphase heat transfer and flow / 2020 | FAGHRI, Amir |
ma5 Ac.40592 | 29/11/21 | Notes on continuum mechanics – First edition. / 2013 | CHAVES, Eduardo W. V.. |
ma5 Ac.40596 | 29/11/21 | Entropy / 2003 | GREVEN, Andreas |
ma5 Ac.40604 | 30/11/21 | Introduction to transport phenomena modeling : a multiphysics, general equation-based approach / 2019 | RUOCCO, Gianpaolo. |
ma5 Ac.40606 | 30/11/21 | Modern course in transport phenomena, A / 2018 | VENERUS, David |
ma5 Ac.40608 | 30/11/21 | Continuum mechanics – Third edition. / 2015 | JOG, C. S.. |
ma5 Ac.40639 | 13/12/21 | Stochastically forced compressible fluid flows / 2018 | BREIT, Dominic. |
ma5 Ac.40646 | 15/12/21 | Nonlinear resonance analysis : theory, computation, applications / 2011 | TOBISCH, Elena. |
ma5 Ac.40650 | 15/12/21 | Topics in contemporary mathematical physics – Second edition / 2016 | LAM, Kai S. |
ma5 Ac.40655 | 15/12/21 | Fundamental principles of classical mechanics : a geometrical perspective / 2014 | LAM, Kai S. |
ma5 Ac.40658 | 15/12/21 | Modern approach to classical mechanics, A – Second edition. / 2016 | IRO, Harald. |
ma5 Ac.40665 | 15/12/21 | Physical hydrodynamics. – 2nd edition / 2014 | GUYON, Etienne |
ma5 Ac.40673 | 19/01/22 | Nonlinear conservation laws, fluid systems and related topics / 2009 | LI, Daqian |
ma5 Ac.40676 | 19/01/22 | Continuum methods of physical modeling : continuum mechanics, dimensional analysis, turbulence / 2004 | HUTTER, Kolumban |
ma6 Ac.39550 | 13/01/20 | Problemas de ecuaciones de la física matemática / 1976 | SMIRNOV, M. M.. |
ma6 Ac.40014 | 16/12/20 | Navier-Stokes Turbulence : Theory and Analysis – 1st ed. 2019. / 2019 | KOLLMANN, Wolfgang. |
ma6 Ac.40039 | 28/12/20 | Mathematics of wave propagation / 2000 | DAVIS, Julian L.. |
ma6 Ac.40042 | 28/12/20 | Global formulations of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics on manifolds : a geometric approach to modeling and analysis / 2017 | LEE, Taeyoung. |
ma6 Ac.40044 | 28/12/20 | Turbulence : introduction to theory and applications of turbulent flows – [Revised edition] / 2016 | NIEUWSTADT, F. T. M |
ma6 Ac.40045 | 28/12/20 | Statistical mechanics of turbulent flows / 2003 | HEINZ, Stefan. |
ma6 Ac.40053 | 30/12/20 | Kinetic formulation of conservation laws / 2002 | PERTHAME, Benoît. |
ma6 Ac.40188 | 27/10/21 | Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Flows / 2015 | MAURI, Roberto. |
ma6 Ac.40284 | 03/11/21 | Linear elastic waves / 2001 | HARRIS, John G. |
ma6 Ac.40285 | 03/11/21 | Rarefied gas dynamics : from basic concepts to actual calculations / 2000 | CERCIGNANI, Carlo. |
ma6 Ac.40305 | 04/11/21 | Quantum fields and processes : a combinatorial approach / 2018 | GOUGH, John |
ma6 Ac.40331 | 05/11/21 | Wave motion / 2000 | BILLINGHAM, J |
ma6 Ac.40332 | 05/11/21 | Nonlinear wave processes in acoustics / 1998 | NAUGOLNYKH, K. A |
ma6 Ac.40437 | 29/11/21 | Mathematics for physics : an illustrated handbook / 2018 | MARSH, Adam. |
ma6 Ac.40675 | 19/01/22 | First course in string theory, A – 2nd ed. / 2009 | ZWIEBACH, Barton. |
ma7 Ac.40277 | 03/11/21 | Maximum and minimum principles : a unified approach, with applications / 1987 | SEWELL, M. J. |
ma7 Ac.40294 | 03/11/21 | Discrete systems and integrability / 2016 | HIETARINTA, J.. |
ma9 Ac.39568 | 03/02/20 | Mathematical modelling of the human cardiovascular system : data, numerical approximation, clinical applications / 2019 | QUARTERONI, Alfio. |
ma9 Ac.39974 | 08/12/20 | Invitation to geomathematics, An / 2019 | FREEDEN, W.. |
ma9 Ac.39975 | 08/12/20 | Probabilistic Models of Population Evolution : Scaling Limits, Genealogies and Interactions / 2016 | PARDOUX, E.. |
ma9 Ac.39978 | 08/12/20 | Short history of mathematical population dynamics, A / 2011 | BACAËR, Nicolas. |
ma9 Ac.39982 | 09/12/20 | Introduction to mathematical biology : modeling, analysis, and simulations / 2016 | CHOU, Ching Shan. |
ma9 Ac.39983 | 09/12/20 | Introduction to mathematical modeling of infectious diseases, An / 2018 | LI, Michael Y.. |
ma9 Ac.39988 | 10/12/20 | Quantitative methods for investigating infectious disease outbreaks / 2019 | YAN, Ping. |
ma9 Ac.39989 | 10/12/20 | Geographic spread of infectious diseases : models and applications, The / 2009 | SATTENSPIEL, Lisa |
ma9 Ac.39995 | 10/12/20 | Mathematical structures of epidemic systems / 1993 | CAPASSO, Vincenzo.. |
ma9 Ac.40001 | 14/12/20 | Introduction to mathematical population dynamics : along the trail of Volterra and Lotka, An / 2014 | IANNELLI, Mimmo. |
ma9 Ac.40002 | 14/12/20 | Introduction to mathematical epidemiology, An / 2015 | MARTCHEVA, M. |
ma9 Ac.40003 | 14/12/20 | Numerical simulation in applied geophysics / 2016 | SANTOS, Juan Enrique |
ma9 Ac.40017 | 16/12/20 | Mathematical models in epidemiology / 2019 | BRAUER, Fred |
ma9 Ac.40356 | 10/11/21 | Parabolic equations in biology : growth, reaction, movement and diffusion / 2015 | PERTHAME, Benoît. |
ma9 Ac.40438 | 29/11/21 | Mathematical modeling approach to infectious diseases : cross diffusion PDE models for epidemiology, A / 2018 | SCHIESSER, W. E. |
ma9 Ac.40446 | 29/11/21 | Optimal control applied to biological models / 2007 | LENHART, Suzanne |
ma9 Ac.40531 | 26/11/21 | Spatial ecology / 2010 | CANTRELL, Robert Stephen |
ma9 Ac.40541 | 19/11/21 | Spaces of measures and their applications to structured population models / 2022 | DÜLL, Christian. |
ma9 Ac.40543 | 26/11/21 | Modelling disease ecology with mathematics – 2nd edition. / 2017 | SMITH, Robert A.. |
ma9 Ac.40578 | 26/11/21 | Modeling infectious diseases in humans and animals / 2007 | KEELING, Matthew James |
ma9 Ac.40584 | 23/11/21 | Infectious Disease Modeling : a Hybrid System Approach / 2017 | LIU, Xinzhi |
ma9 Ac.40593 | 23/11/21 | Mathematical tools for understanding infectious diseases dynamics / 2012 | DIEKMANN, O. |
ma9 Ac.40679 | 21/01/22 | Dynamical systems in population biology – Second edition. / 2017 | ZHAO, Xiao-Qiang. |
ma9cs Ac.40019 | 16/12/20 | Applied mathematical ecology / 1989 | LEVIN, Simon A. |
macs Ac.40680 | 21/01/22 | Advances in real and complex analysis with applications / 2017 | RUZHANSKY, M.. |
mg Ac.39838 | 26/11/20 | Nonlinear Dirac equation : spectral stability of solitary waves / 2019 | BOUSSAID, Nabile. |
mg Ac.39841 | 26/11/20 | Introduction to symmetric functions and their combinatorics, An / 2019 | EGGE, Eric S.. |
mg Ac.40336 | 05/11/21 | Association schemes : designed experiments, algebra and combinatorics – First paperback e / 2011 | BAILEY, R.. |
mg Ac.40360 | 09/11/21 | Absolutely summing operators / 2008 | DIESTEL, Joe |
mg Ac.40364 | 09/11/21 | Mathematics of shock reflection-diffraction and von Neumann’s conjectures, The / 2017 | CHEN, Gui-Qiang |
mg Ac.40365 | 09/11/21 | Non-Archimedean tame topology and stably dominated types / 2016 | HRUSHOVSKI, Ehud. |
mg Ac.40366 | 09/11/21 | Descent in buildings / 2015 | MÜHLHERR, Bernhard Matthias |
mg Ac.40367 | 09/11/21 | Classification of pseudo-reductive groups / 2016 | CONRAD, Brian David |
mg Ac.40368 | 10/11/21 | Selfsimilar processes / 2002 | EMBRECHTS, Paul |
mg Ac.40369 | 09/11/21 | P-adic Simpson correspondence, The / 2016 | ABBES, Ahmed |
mg Ac.40371 | 09/11/21 | Fourier restriction for hypersurfaces in three dimensions and Newton Polyhedra / 2016 | IKROMOV, Isroil A.. |
mg Ac.40372 | 09/11/21 | Hèolder continuous Euler flows in three dimensions with compact support in time / 2017 | ISETT, Philip. |
mg Ac.40373 | 09/11/21 | Asymptotic differential algebra and model theory of transseries / 2017 | ASCHENBRENNER, Matthias |
mg Ac.40374 | 09/11/21 | Plaid model, The / 2019 | SCHWARTZ, Richard Evan. |
mg Ac.40375 | 09/11/21 | Weil’s conjecture for function fields. Volume I / 2019 | GAITSGORY, Dennis |
mg Ac.40376 | 09/11/21 | Master equation and the convergence problem in mean field games, The / 2019 | CARDALIAGUET, Pierre |
mg Ac.40377 | 09/11/21 | Norm residue theorem in motivic cohomology, The / 2019 | HAESEMEYER, Christian |
mg Ac.40378 | 09/11/21 | Introductory lectures on equivariant cohomology / 2020 | TU, Loring W.. |
mg Ac.40379 | 10/11/21 | Arithmetic and geometry : ten years in Alpbach / 2019 | FUCHS, Clemens. |
mg Ac.40380 | 26/11/21 | Degenerate diffusion operators arising in population biology / 2013 | EPSTEIN, Charles L. |
mg Ac.40382 | 10/11/21 | Max Plus at work : modeling and analysis of synchronized systems : a course on Max-Plus algebra and its applications / 2006 | HEIDERGOTT, Bernd |
mg Ac.40383 | 26/11/21 | Modern anti-windup synthesis / 2011 | ZACCARIAN, Luca |
mg Ac.40384 | 26/11/21 | Rays, waves, and scattering : topics in classical mathematical physics / 2017 | ADAM, John A.. |
mg Ac.40386 | 26/11/21 | Delay-adaptive linear control / 2020 | ZHU, Yang. |
mg Ac.40387 | 26/11/21 | From the calculus to set theory, 1630-1910 : an introductory history – [Princeton ed.]. / 2000 | GRATTAN-GUINNESS, I. |
mg Ac.40389 | 26/11/21 | Eisenstein cohomology for GLn and the special values of Rankin-Selberg L-functions / 2020 | HARDER, Günter. |
mg Ac.40390 | 26/11/21 | Hierarchy of Turing degrees : a transfinite hierarchy of lowness notions in the computably enumerable degrees, unifying classes, and natural definability, A / 2020 | DOWNEY, R. G |
mg Ac.40391 | 26/11/21 | Berkeley lectures on p-adic geometry / 2020 | SCHOLZE, Peter. |
mg Ac.40392 | 26/11/21 | Arnold diffusion for smooth systems of two and a half degrees of freedom / 2020 | KALOSHIN, Vadim Yu.. |
mg Ac.40393 | 26/11/21 | Global nonlinear stability of Schwarzschild spacetime under polarized perturbations / 2020 | KLAINERMAN, Sergiu,. |
mg Ac.40394 | 26/11/21 | Supersingular p-adic L-functions, Maass-Shimura operators and Waldspurger formulas / 2021 | KRIZ, Daniel. |
mg Ac.40395 | 26/11/21 | Intersection homology & perverse sheaves : with applications to singularities / 2019 | MAXIM, Laurentiu G.. |
mg Ac.40397 | 26/11/21 | Random fragmentation and coagulation processes / 2006 | BERTOIN, Jean. |
mg Ac.40399 | 26/11/21 | Graph theoretic methods in multiagent networks / 2010 | MESBAHI, Mehran |
mg Ac.40408 | 29/11/21 | Hangzhou lectures on eigenfunctions of the Laplacian / 2014 | SOGGE, Christopher Donald. |
mg Ac.40503 | 18/11/21 | Topics in Clifford Analysis : Special Volume in Honor of Wolfgang SpröBig – 1st ed. 2019. / 2019 | NULL |
oc Ac.40416 | 25/11/21 | Collected papers of Srinivasa Ramanujan – First paperback e / 2015 | RAMANUJAN AIYANGAR, Srinivasa |
sdte Ac.39637 | 07/02/20 | Mathematical foundations of mixing : the linked twist map as a paradigm in applications : micro to macro, fluids to solids, The / 2006 | STURMAN, Rob |
sdte Ac.39661 | 14/02/20 | Fractals in probability and analysis / 2017 | BISHOP, Christopher J.. |
sdte Ac.39980 | 09/12/20 | Central configurations, periodic orbits, and Hamiltonian systems / 2015 | LLIBRE, Jaume. |
sdte Ac.39986 | 10/12/20 | Dynamical systems by example / 2019 | BARREIRA, Luis |
sdte Ac.39994 | 10/12/20 | Chaos : from simple models to complex systems / 2010 | CENCINI, Massimo. |
sdte Ac.40016 | 16/12/20 | Structurally unstable quadratic vector fields of codimension one / 2018 | ARTÉS, Joan C.,. |
sdte Ac.40189 | 27/10/21 | Introduction to mathematical modeling and chaotic dynamics. / 2019 | UPADHYAY, Ranjit Kumar. |
sdte Ac.40213 | 28/10/21 | Progress and challenges in dynamical systems : proceedings of the International Conference Dynamical Systems : 100 years after Poincare, September 2012, Gijón, Spain / 2013 | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS, 2012, Gijón, Spain |
sdte Ac.40275 | 03/11/21 | Infinite-dimensional dynamical systems : an introduction to dissipative parabolic PDEs and the theory of global attractors / 2001 | ROBINSON, James C.. |
sdte Ac.40296 | 04/11/21 | Higher index theory / 2020 | WILLETT, Rufus |
sdte Ac.40308 | 04/11/21 | Nonlinear systems / 1993 | DRAZIN, P. G.. |
sdte Ac.40354 | 09/11/21 | Dynamical systems : theories and applications. / 2021 | ELHADJ, Zeraoulia. |
sdte Ac.40400 | 11/11/21 | Thermodynamics : a dynamical systems approach / 2005 | HADDAD, Wassim M. |
sdte Ac.40434 | 26/11/21 | Ergodic theory and dynamical systems / 2016 | COUDÈNE, Yves. |
sdte Ac.40440 | 17/11/21 | Impulsive and hybrid dynamical systems : stability, dissipativity, and control / 2006 | HADDAD, Wassim M. |
sdte Ac.40444 | 17/11/21 | Ergodic control of diffusion processes / 2012 | ARAPOSTATHIS, Ari |
sdte Ac.40454 | 17/11/21 | Chaotic transitions in deterministic and stochastic dynamical systems : applications of Melnikov processes in engineering, physics, and neuroscience / 2002 | SIMIU, Emil. |
sdte Ac.40486 | 29/11/21 | Dynamical systems theory of thermodynamics, A / 2019 | HADDAD, Wassim M.. |
sdte Ac.40577 | 29/11/21 | First course in chaotic dynamical systems : theory and experiment, A – Second edition. / 2020 | DEVANEY, Robert L.,. |
sdte Ac.40595 | 29/11/21 | Dynamical systems for biological modeling : an introduction / 2016 | BRAUER, Fred. |
sdte Ac.40634 | 13/12/21 | Random dynamical systems : theory and applications / 2007 | BHATTACHARYA, R. N. |
sdte Ac.40638 | 13/12/21 | Classical and dynamical Markov and Lagrange spectra: dynamical, fractal and arithmetic aspects / 2021 | LIMA, Davi |
sdte Ac.40652 | 15/12/21 | Discrete dynamical models / 2014 | SALINELLI, Ernesto. |
sdtecs Ac.40351 | 08/11/21 | Dynamical issues in combustion theory / 1991 | FIFE, Paul C. |
tn Ac.39573 | 03/02/20 | Equivalents of the Riemann hypothesis / 2017 | BROUGHAN, Kevin A.. |
tn Ac.39583 | 05/02/20 | Gentle course in local class field theory : local number fields, Brauer groups, Galois cohomology, A / 2018 | GUILLOT, Pierre. |
tn Ac.39844 | 26/11/20 | Distribution of prime numbers, The / 2019 | KOUKOULOPOULOS, Dimitris. |
tn Ac.40302 | 04/11/21 | Introduction to probabilistic number theory, An / 2021 | KOWALSKI, Emmanuel. |
tn Ac.40307 | 04/11/21 | Modular forms and Galois cohomology / 2008 | HIDA, Haruzo. |
tn Ac.40325 | 05/11/21 | Unit equations in Diophantine number theory / 2015 | EVERTSE, J. H.. |
tn Ac.40338 | 05/11/21 | Great prime number race, The / 2020 | PLYMEN, Roger J.. |
tn Ac.40452 | 25/11/21 | Transcendental numbers / 1949 | SIEGEL, Carl Ludwig,. |
tn Ac.40539 | 19/11/21 | Brauer Groups and Obstruction Problems : Moduli Spaces and Arithmetic / 2017 | AUEL, Asher |
tn Ac.40603 | 29/11/21 | P-adic aspects of modular forms / 2016 | NULL |
tn Ac.40614 | 30/11/21 | Eulerian Numbers [elektronisch] . / 2015 | PETERSEN, T. Kyle. |
tn Ac.40671 | 19/01/22 | Modular and automorphic forms & beyond / 2022 | MOVASATI, Hossein. |
tn Ac.40672 | 19/01/22 | Number theory : structures, examples, and problems / 2009 | ANDREESCU, Titu |
tn Ac.40685 | 21/01/22 | Jacobi-like forms, pseudodifferential operators, and quasimodular forms / 2019 | CHOIE, YoungJu |
tncs Ac.39560 | 07/02/20 | Topics in computational number theory inspired by Peter L. Montgomery / 2017 | LENSTRA, A. K.. |
tncs Ac.39638 | 07/02/20 | Dynamics and analytic number theory : proceedings of the Durham Easter School 2014 / 2016 | DURHAM EASTER SCHOOL, 2014, University of Durham) |
top Ac.39766 | 06/03/20 | Discrete Morse theory / 2019 | SCOVILLE, Nicholas A.. |
top Ac.40253 | 03/11/21 | Differential topology / 2016 | WALL, C. T. C.. |
top Ac.40342 | 05/11/21 | Topological persistence in geometry and analysis / 2020 | ROSEN, Daniel |
top Ac.40346 | 05/11/21 | Organized collapse : an introduction to discrete Morse theory / 2020 | KOZLOV, D. N. |
top Ac.40363 | 10/11/21 | Course on surgery theory, A / 2021 | CHANG, Stanley |
top Ac.40436 | 17/11/21 | Complex topological K-theory / 2008 | PARK, Efton. |
top Ac.40485 | 18/11/21 | Introduction to contact topology, An / 2008 | GEIGES, Hansjörg. |
top Ac.40534 | 19/11/21 | Lie models in topology / 2020 | BUIJS, Urtzi |
top Ac.40570 | 22/11/21 | Sheaves in topology / 2004 | DIMCA, Alexandru. |
top Ac.40587 | 23/11/21 | Geometric Hopf Invariant and Surgery Theory, The / 2017 | CRABB, Michael |
top Ac.40640 | 13/12/21 | Fixed point theorems and applications / 2019 | PATA, Vittorino. |
top Ac.40643 | 15/12/21 | Topology / 2015 | MANETTI, Marco. |
topcs Ac.39549 | 13/01/20 | Seminar on the Atiyah-Singer index theorem / 1965 | PALAIS, Richard S. |
vc1 Ac.39563 | 30/01/20 | Introdução às funções de uma variável complexa / 2019 | FERNANDEZ, Cecília S.. |
vc1 Ac.39760 | 06/03/20 | Introduction to complex analysis / 2019 | TAYLOR, Michael E.. |
vc1 Ac.40293 | 03/11/21 | Introduction to complex variables and applications / 2021 | ABLOWITZ, Mark J. |
vc2 Ac.40494 | 29/11/21 | Conformal maps and geometry / 2020 | BELIAEV, Dmitry. |
vc3 Ac.40442 | 17/11/21 | Modern analysis of automorphic forms by example / 2018 | GARRETT, Paul B.. |
vc3 Ac.40497 | 29/11/21 | Eisenstein series and automorphic representations : with applications in string theory / 2018 | NULL |
vc4 Ac.40502 | 18/11/21 | Hypercomplex Analysis: New Perspectives and Applications / 2014 | BERNSTEIN, Swanhild. |
vc4 Ac.40678 | 21/01/22 | Current topics in pure and computational complex analysis / 2014 | NULL |