
Teoria dos Números um passeio com primos e outros números familiares pelo mundo inteiro

Teoria dos Números - um passeio com primos e outros números familiares pelo mundo inteiro
Autor(es) : Fabio Martinez, Carlos Gustavo Moreira, Nicolau Saldanha e Eduardo Tengan
Páginas : 500
Publicação : IMPA, 2018
ISBN: 978-85-244-0447-4
5ª edição


Fabio Enrique Brochero Martinez

He participated in several mathematical Olympiads, and won gold and silver medals at the Ibero-American Olympiads and at the International Mathematical Olympiad in 1989. He graduated at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and came to Brazil to obtain his Masters and Doctor degree at IMPA, under the guidance of César Camacho. He was a postdoc at the University of Valladolid, in Spain for his studies. Currently he is Professor at UFMG. His main research area is holomorphic dynamics.

He has been collaborating in several Mathematical Olympiads. He works with a group at UFMG that is dedicated to one of the applications of Mathematics that most arouse the general interest: the estimative of the probabilities in soccer.

Carlos Gustavo Tamm de Araujo Moreira

It looks like an alexandrine verse but this imposing name belongs to a cordial and humorous person. His family calls him by the nickname Carlinhos and everyone else knows him as Gugu. He began to attend courses at IMPA at 14, he defended his master’s dissertation at 16 (plus 364 days) and he is currently a full researcher at IMPA.

He won a gold medal at the International Mathematical Olympiad, as Nicolau did before him, and to this day both are dedicated to the important task of encouraging and preparing young Brazilians to compete in it. In addition to being a brilliant mathematician, with international renown, he likes soccer, he is supporter of Flamengo soccer club (no one is perfect) and he frequently plays soccer with friends, claiming to already have scored more than 3800 goals.

Nicolau Corção Saldanha

He was the first Brazilian who won a gold medal at the International Mathematical Olympiad, in 1981. After that he earned B.Sc. and Master’s degrees almost simultaneously at PUC-Rio (where currently he is a Professor) and obtained his PhD degree at Princeton. He has been working in several areas as topology, combinatorics, analysis and dynamical systems.

He is known by colleagues and students for his willingness to help with mathematical problems that are troubling and give them  valuable suggestions. He has been a member of the Mathematical Olympiad Commission of SBM for many years, of which he has been the coordinator.

Eduardo Tengan

Like the other authors, Eduardo had his talent for mathematics discovered early by the Olympiads. After experiencing  engineering course, he realized that he would like to take his interest in the Queen of Sciences for life. He is known by his friends as ET because of his good mood and his personality of the “other world”. He obtained his doctors degrees at Emory University. Yes, he defended two theses: one on Graph Theory and the other on Algebra.

He assures that the determining factor in the decision to face two doctorates, was having watched an episode of a Japanese animation!?! Surprised? Those that know professor Tengan, aren’t. Eduardo continues to cultivate friends among fellow teachers, students and anyone else who knows him with his unique empathy.