Produção Técnico-Científica

Jorge Passamani Zubelli

possui graduação em Engenharia de Comunicações pelo Instituto Militar de Engenharia (1983), mestrado em Matemática pelo Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (1984) e doutorado em Matemática Aplicada pela Universidade da California em Berkeley (1989). Desenvolveu estágios de pesquisa em diversas instituições, incluindo o Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics (Berkeley), Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (Berkeley), Università di Milano, e a City University of New York. Lecionou na Universidade da California em Berkeley e na Universidade da California em Santa Cruz. Atualmente é Pesquisador Titular da Associação Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA). Sua pesquisa é na área de Problemas Inversos com ênfase em aspectos de Análise, Equações Diferenciais Parciais e Modelagem Computacional. Devido a abrangência desta área ele vem atuando tanto em aspectos teóricos (sistemas integráveis, espalhamento inverso e sólitons) como em aplicações (finanças quantitativas, semicondutores e tomografia). (Texto informado pelo autor)

  • (01/07/2019)
  • Rótulo/Grupo: Pesquisador
  • Bolsa CNPq: Nível 1B
  • Período de análise: 1989-HOJE
  • Endereço: Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, MCT. Estrada Dona Castorina, 110 Jardim Botanico 22460320 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brasil Telefone: (021) 5295102 Fax: (021) 5295015
  • Grande área: Ciências Exatas e da Terra
  • Área: Matemática
  • Citações: Google Acadêmico

Produção bibliográfica

Produção técnica

Produção artística

Orientações em andamento

Supervisões e orientações concluídas

Projetos de pesquisa

Prêmios e títulos

Participação em eventos

Organização de eventos

Lista de colaborações

Produção bibliográfica

Produção técnica

Produção artística

Orientações em andamento

Supervisões e orientações concluídas

Projetos de pesquisa

  • Total de projetos de pesquisa (0)

    Prêmios e títulos

    • Total de prêmios e títulos (4)
      1. Auxílio para participacao ICM 2006, International Mathematical Union (IMU).. 2006.
        Membro: Jorge Passamani Zubelli.
      2. Auxilio p/ Participacao no ICM - 1994, International Mathematical Union (IMU).. 1994.
        Membro: Jorge Passamani Zubelli.
      3. Bolsa de Estudos, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNRS) Italia.. 1994.
        Membro: Jorge Passamani Zubelli.
      4. SIAM Travel Grant: ICIAM 1991, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.. 1991.
        Membro: Jorge Passamani Zubelli.

    Participação em eventos

    • Total de participação em eventos (95)
      1. 9th International Conference Inverse Problems and Applications. Local and Stochastic Volatility Estimation Driven by the Available Data. 2018. (Congresso).
      2. Forefront of PDEs: Modelling, Analysis and Numerics. A Non-intrusive Stratified Resampler for Regression Monte Carlo with Applications to Reaction-Diffusion Equations. 2018. (Congresso).
      3. Laboratoire de Finance des Marchés de l'Energie IHP.Project Evaluation under Uncertainty with Historical Data.. 2018. (Seminário).
      4. Bayesian and Nonlinear Inverse Problems. Local Volatility Estimation Driven by the Available Data. 2017. (Congresso).
      5. CEMRACS 2017.Project Evaluation under Uncertainty. 2017. (Seminário).
      6. Forefront of PDEs: Modelling, Analysis and Numerics.Quantifying the survival uncertainty of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes in a spatial model. 2016. (Simpósio).
      7. Integrability, Recursion, Geometry And Mechanics.Some Bihamiltonian Musings. 2016. (Simpósio).
      8. International Conference on Nonlinear Partial Differential Eqs.. Inverse P roblem s for Parabolic Partial Differential Equations: An Application to Dupire?s Model. 2016. (Congresso).
      9. Vienna Congress on Mathematical Finance. Calibration of Local-Volatility Models from Option Data for Commodities. 2016. (Congresso).
      10. Applied Inverse Problems. Inverse Problems in Life Sciences. 2015. (Congresso).
      11. de Finetti Risk Seminars.Project Evaluation under Uncertainty: From Minimal Martingale Measures to Implementation.. 2015. (Seminário).
      12. ICIAM International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (IC. Stochastic Analysis in Insurance. 2015. (Congresso).
      13. III China-Brazil Workshop. Estimation of Local Volatility Models from Option Data. 2015. (Congresso).
      14. 3º Colóquio de Matemática da Região Sul. Inverse problems and stochastic volatility models. 2014. (Congresso).
      15. Structured Integro-Differential models in Mathematical Biology". A Singularly Perturbed HIV Model with Treatment and Antigenic Variation. 2014. (Congresso).
      16. 29º Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática / Sessão de Matemática na Indústria. Investment Decisions under Uncertainty, Real Options and Industrial Problems. 2013. (Congresso).
      17. 29º Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática / Sessão de Novas técnicas em problemas inversos: espaços de Banach e tomografias híbridas. Calibration of local volatility models by convex regularization. 2013. (Congresso).
      18. DGS I 2013: International Conference and Advanced School Planet Earth, Dynamics, Games and Science I.Inverse Problems and Structured Population Models. 2013. (Seminário).
      19. Focus Program on Commodities, Energy and Environmental Finance. Investment Decisions under Uncertainty, Real Options and Commodity Models. 2013. (Congresso).
      20. ICSP 2013 - International Congress on Stochastic Programming. Optimal Liquidation Strategies for Portfolios under Stress Conditions. 2013. (Congresso).
      21. Modelos y Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas. Calibration of stochastic volatility models from option prices. 2013. (Congresso).
      22. Two Days in Stochastic Analysis. Evaluation under Uncertainty with Mean-Reverting Investment and Project Value.. 2013. (Congresso).
      23. 21st ISMP ? International Symposium on Mathematical Programming. Pricing of LNG contracts with cancellation Options. 2012. (Congresso).
      24. IUTAM ? International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics: Symposium on From Mechanical to Biological Systems ? An Integrated Approach.Calibration of stuctured population models: from mechanics to biology. 2012. (Seminário).
      25. SET OPTIMIZATION Meets FINANCE: International Mini-Conference on Set-Valued Variational Analysis and Optimization with Applications in Financence.Calibration of Local Volatility Models by Tikhonov-type Regularization.. 2012. (Seminário).
      26. SIAM Financial Math Meeting (and Annual Meeting).Multi-Factor Stochastic Volatility Models for Options and Options on Variance. 2012. (Seminário).
      27. The 9th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications.Project evaluation and hedging in incomplete markets using historical prices. 2012. (Seminário).
      28. Thematic School : CIRM. Inverse problems and cancer. 2012. (Congresso).
      29. Workshop on Stochastic and PDE Methods in Financial Mathematics.Calibration of Stochastic Volatility Models by Convex Regularization. 2012. (Seminário).
      30. Conference in honour of Franco Magri's 65th birthday. Bispectrality and Bihamiltonian Systems. 2011. (Congresso).
      31. Partial Differential Equations in Mathematical Biology - Bedlewo, Poland. Structured population models. 2010. (Congresso).
      32. PDEs in kinetic theories: kinetic description of biological models. Structured population models: direct and inverse problems. 2010. (Congresso).
      33. SIAM Conference on Financial Mathematics and Engineering. Stochastic Volatility Modelling under Fast Mean Reversion Regimes. 2010. (Congresso).
      34. 1st Porto Meeting of Mathematics for Industry.Avaliation of Optional Cancellation Contracts using Quantitative Finance Techniques. 2009. (Encontro).
      35. Fourth Brazilian Conference on Statistical Modelling in Insurance and Finance. Investment deferment under fast mean reversion stochastic volatility.. 2009. (Congresso).
      36. Mathematical Modelling in Medicine. Inverse Problems in the Biophysical Sciences.. 2009. (Congresso).
      37. Modern Topics in Nonlinear Kinetic Equations (Cambridge, UK). Some inverse problems for kinetic equations. 2009. (Congresso).
      38. SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations. Inverse Problems for Some Transport Equations. 2009. (Congresso).
      39. Stochastic Models in Physics, Biology, and Social Sciences.The Feynman-Kac formula and its application in financial mathematics. 2009. (Seminário).
      40. European Congress of Mathematical Theoretical Biology:. Numerical solution of an Inverse Problem in a Size-Structured Population Model - Application to Experimental Data. 2008. (Congresso).
      41. Special Semester on Stochastics with Emphasis on Finance: Inverse Problems Workshop. On the Inverse Problem for the Risk Premium of Options in a Stochastic-Volatility Financial Model: Malliavin and PDE Techniques. 2008. (Congresso).
      42. Ecole CIMPA-UNESCO Mathématiques pour la modélisation et la simulation. Inverse problems for semiconductors: models and methods. 2007. (Congresso).
      43. Finanzas Cuantitativas FC-2007. 2007. (Encontro).
      44. Segunda Escuela Argentina de MATEMATICA Y BIOLOGIA. An Introduction to Structured Population Models: Direct and Inverse Problems. 2007. (Congresso).
      45. X CLAPEM - Latin American Congress of Probability and Mathematical Statistics. Option pricing for fast-mean reversion stochastic volatility models. 2007. (Congresso).
      46. Congress on Coastal Zones. Inverse Problems in the Biological Sciences.. 2006. (Congresso).
      47. Foz 2006 Congresso de Matemática e suas Aplicações. Mathematical Challenges in Inverse Problems. 2006. (Congresso).
      48. International Congress of Mathematicians. Asymptotics of fast mean-reversion stochastic volatility models. 2006. (Congresso).
      49. Nonlinear PDEs: Homogenization and Kinetic Equations. On the Asymptotics of Fast Mean-Reversion Stochastic Volatility Models in Finances. 2006. (Congresso).
      50. Semana da Matematica Aplicada SeMAp.Desafios Matemáticos na Área de Problemas Inversos. 2006. (Seminário).
      51. SIAM Conference on Financial Mathematics and Engineering. Asymptotic Behavior of Stochastic Volatility Models. 2006. (Congresso).
      52. Conference on Statistical Modelling in Insurance and Finance. Inverse Problems in Finance: A survey of calibration techniques. 2005. (Congresso).
      53. Métodos Numéricos para Ecuaciones Diferenciales. On the Asymptotics of Fast Mean-Reversion Stochastic Volatility Models in Finances. 2005. (Congresso).
      54. PRIMERA ESCUELA ARGENTINA DE MATEMATICA Y BIOLOGIA. Mathematical challenges in inverse problems from the biological sciences. 2005. (Congresso).
      55. Ciencia, Tecnologia Y Sociedad.O Impacto da Matemática em Biociencias (e Vice-Versa) - Exemplos e Desafios. (Reuniao SBPC-AAPC Buenos Aires). 2004. (Encontro).
      56. Ecole d'été du GDR GRIP 2250.Applications of Inverse Problems to the Biophysical Sciences (Dourdan). 2004. (Oficina).
      57. IX Encuentro de Matematicas y sus Aplicaciones. Huygens' principle, Integrable PDEs, and Solitons (Quito - Equador). 2004. (Congresso).
      58. Inverse Problems Seminar.On the inverse problem for the Helmholtz equation with periodic media (Linz, Austria). 2003. (Seminário).
      59. PASI, Workshop on PDEs, Inverse Problems and Non-Linear Analysis.On the Inverse Prob. for the Helmholtz Equation with Periodic Media, PASI-Santiago, Chile. 2003. (Oficina).
      60. Primeira Escola Brasileira de Equações Diferenciais.Huygens' Principle, Integrable PDEs, and Solitons (Campinas). 2003. (Encontro).
      61. Joint LNCC-CCS Workshop on Computational Sciences.Three-Dimensional Reconstruction by Chahine's Method from Projections Corrupted by Electron Microscope Aberrations (LNCC-Petropolis). 2002. (Oficina).
      62. Mathematical Methods in Tomography - OBERWOLFACH.Three-Dimensional Reconstruction by Chahine's Method from Projections Corrupted by Electron Microscope Aberrations (Oberwolfach - Alemanha). 2002. (Oficina).
      63. Matrix Computations Seminar.Diffuse Tomography (Matrix Computation Seminar, CS and Math. Dep., UCB). 2002. (Seminário).
      64. MSRI Semester on Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras.Bispectrality, Virasoro Algebras, and Integrable Systems. (MSRI, Berkeley). 2002. (Seminário).
      65. XXV Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional. O Impacto da Matematica em Biociencias (e vice-versa): Exemplos e Desafios. 2002. (Congresso).
      66. 4TH. CONFERENCE ITALO-LATINOAMERICAN OF INDUSTRIAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS.A Tutorial on Inverse Problems. 4th Italo-Latin American Conference of Industrial and Applied Mathematics.. 2001. (Simpósio).
      67. Applied Inverse Problems:Theoretical and Computational Aspects. On the inverse problem for the Helmholtz equation with periodic media (Montecatini - Italia). 2001. (Congresso).
      68. I Simpósio Brasileiro de Biologia Matemática e Computacional.Metodos Matematicos em Tomografia (Rio de Janeiro). 2001. (Simpósio).
      69. Math. Dep. Colloquium. University of California at Santa Cruz.Huygens' Principle, Integrable PDEs, and Particle Systems. Colloquium Talk at UCSC. 2001. (Seminário).
      70. NEEDS - Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems XVth Meeting.Bispectrality for matrix differential equations (Newton Institute - Cambridge). 2001. (Oficina).
      71. Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI) on Inverse Problems.Tomography in the presence of diffusion and scattering (MSRI-Berkeley). 2001. (Seminário).
      72. School of Differential Equations - Vienna.Lectures on Inverse Problems A Tutorial with Examples and Techniques in Medical Imaging and Geophysics (University of Vienna, Austria). 2001. (Outra).
      73. Semester on Inverse Problems - MSRI.On the Inverse Problem for the Helmholtz Equation with Periodic Media. (MSRI, Berkeley). 2001. (Seminário).
      74. THE CALOGERO-MOSER SYSTEM 30 YEARS LATER: Mini-Workshop on Integrable Many-Body Problems (Roma).Calogero-Moser systems and bi-spectrality (Roma). 2001. (Oficina).
      75. Evolucao do Cerebro - Forum de Ciencia.Tomografia (Forum de Ciencia e Cultura - COPEA). 2000. (Seminário).
      76. INdAM intensive bimester on Integrable Systems.Bispectrality, Master symmetries, and bi-Hamiltonian systems (Milano-Italia). 2000. (Encontro).
      77. WORKSHOP ON ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY AND PHYSICS.Teichmueller spaces, geodesic flows on diffeomorphisms of the circle, and the periodic KdV equation (Trieste - Italia). 2000. (Oficina).
      78. 13th International Workshop ''NEEDS - 99.Huygens' Principle and Bispectrality - (NEEDS - Creta - Grecia). 1999. (Oficina).
      79. NONLINEARITY INTEGRABILITY AND ALL THAT.Geodesic flows on diffeomorphisms of the circle and the geometry of KdV (Lecce - Italia). 1999. (Oficina).
      80. The Mathematics of Imaging. Imaging the Interior of Objects that Scatter and Diffuse Radiation (MSRI - Berkeley). 1999. (Congresso).
      81. Integrable Systems:Solutions and Transformations.Bispectrality, Symmetries, and Integrable Systems (Alicante - Espanha). 1998. (Encontro).
      82. Mathematics Geophysics Summer School.Tomography in the Presence of Diffusion and Scattering (MGSS - Stanford). 1998. (Seminário).
      83. II Panamerican Workshop of Computational and Applied Math. Gramado, Sep. 1997.On the Geometry of Graeffe iteration. (Gramado). 1997. (Simpósio).
      84. The Bispectral Problem.The Bispectral Problem, Rational Solutions of the Master Symmetry Flows, and Bihamiltonian Systems (CRM - Montreal). 1997. (Oficina).
      85. Integrable Systems Semester at Centre E. Borel.The Bispectral Problem and Completely Integrable Systems (IHP-Paris). 1996. (Seminário).
      86. International Congress of Geometry.. On the Poisson geometry of the generalized KdV equations and the Darboux method (Rio de Janeiro). 1996. (Congresso).
      87. Mathematics Colloquium.Differential Equaions in the Spectral Parameter and Completely Integrable Systems (Torino). 1995. (Outra).
      88. 41st SIAM Annual Meeting. Diffuse Tomography: Imaging of Media that Scatter Radiation (Philadelphia). 1993. (Congresso).
      89. Mathematics Colloquium.Tomography in the Presence of Diffusion and Scattering (Santa Cruz, CA). 1993. (Outra).
      90. Medical Imaging Group, Philadelphia.Tomography in the Presence of Diffusion and Scattering (MIPG, U. of Pennsylvania). 1993. (Outra).
      91. 40th SIAM Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, 1992. Nonlinear Inverse Problems in Medical Imaging. (Los Angeles, CA). 1992. (Congresso).
      92. Eighteenth Brazilian Colloquium of Mathematics. Bispectrality, Solitons, and Symmetries (Rio de Janeiro). 1991. (Congresso).
      93. Eight-hundred-and-seventieth AMS meeting. Differential Equations in the Spectral Parameter (Santa Barbara, California). 1991. (Congresso).
      94. Mathematics Colloquium - Cal. State University.Imaging the Interior of Objects that Diffuse and Scatter Radiation (San Luis Obispo). 1991. (Outra).
      95. Institute for Mathematics and its Applications Summer Program on Radar and Sonar..Imaging the Interior of Objects that Diffuse and Scatter Radiation (IMA, Minneapolis). 1990. (Oficina).

    Organização de eventos

    • Total de organização de eventos (34)
      1. AVELLANEDA, M. ; DUPIRE, B. ; ZUBELLI, J.P.. Research in Options RiO 2016. 2016. Congresso
      2. AVELLANEDA, M. ; DUPIRE, B. ; ZUBELLI, JORGE PASSAMANI. Research in Options RiO 2015. 2015. Congresso
      3. MARKOWICH, P. ; Perthame, Benoit ; ZUBELLI, JORGE PASSAMANI. Mathematical Methods and Modeling of Biophysical Phenomena. 2015. Congresso
      4. AVELLANEDA, M. ; DUPIRE, B. ; ZUBELLI, JORGE. Research in Options RiO 2014. 2014. Congresso
      5. AVELLANEDA, M. ; DUPIRE, B. ; Zubelli, J P. Research in Options RiO 2013. 2013. Congresso
      6. ZUBELLI, J.P.; DUPIRE, B. ; AVELLANEDA, M.. Research in Options RiO 2012. 2012. Congresso
      7. ZUBELLI, Jorge P; DUPIRE, B. ; AVELLANEDA, M.. Research in Options RiO 2011. 2011. Congresso
      8. MARKOWICH, P. ; PERTHAME, B. ; ZUBELLI, J.P.. Mathematical Methods and Modeling of Biophysical Phenomena. 2011. Congresso
      9. AVELLANEDA, M. ; DUPIRE, B. ; ZUBELLI, J.P.. Research in Options RiO 2010. 2010. Congresso
      10. PERTHAME, B. ; MARKOWICH, P. ; ZUBELLI, J.P.. Mathematical Methods and Modeling of Biophysical Phenomena. 2009. Congresso
      11. AVELLANEDA, M. ; DUPIRE, B. ; ZUBELLI, J.P.. Research in Options RiO 2009. 2009. Congresso
      12. ZUBELLI, J.P.. AMS and SBM First Joint Meeting. 2008. (Congresso).. . 0.
      13. Cercignani, C. ; Gabetta, E. ; MARKOWICH, P. ; ZUBELLI, J.P.. KINETIC EQUATIONS: DIRECT AND INVERSE PROBLEMS. (Mantova, IT). 2008. Congresso
      14. Doumic, M. ; PERTHAME, B. ; ZUBELLI, J.P.. Minisimposium on Inverse Problems for Growth Models. 2008. Congresso
      15. AVELLANEDA, M. ; DUPIRE, B. ; ZUBELLI, J.P.. Research in Options RIO 2008. 2008. Congresso
      16. Mordecki, E. ; ZUBELLI, J.P.. Cálculo estocástico, finanzas y matemática actuarial (ERPEM 2008). 2008. Congresso
      17. IORIO JR, R. J. ; LEITAO, A. C. G. ; ZUBELLI, J.P. ; UHLMAN, G. ; CONCA, C. ; Sa Barreto, A.. Symposium on Inverse Problems Honoring Alberto Calderón. 2007. Congresso
      18. MARCHESIN, D. ; NACHBIN, A. ; ZUBELLI, J.P.. X Workshop on Partial Differential Equations. 2007. Congresso
      19. AVELLANEDA, M. ; HOFMANN, B. ; ZUBELLI, J.P.. Minisymposium on Inverse Problems in Financial Modelling - ICIAM 2007 - Zurique. 2007. Congresso
      20. SOUZA, M. O. ; ZUBELLI, J.P.. MINISSIMPOSIO: Modelagem matemática em finanças. 2007. Congresso
      21. BEVILACQUA, L. ; MARKOWICH, P. ; PERTHAME, B. ; ZUBELLI, J.P. ; KOILLER, J.. Mathematical methods and modelling of biophysical phenomena. 2007. Congresso
      22. ZUBELLI, J.P.; VICINO, A. ; PERTHAME, B. ; Palis, J. ; KOILLER, J. ; BEVILACQUA, L. ; MARKOWICH, P. ; NOWAK, M.. Workshop on Mathematical Methods and Modeling of Biophysical Phenomena. 2006. Congresso
      23. AVELLANEDA, M. ; DUPIRE, B. ; ZUBELLI, J.P.. Mathematics and Finance: From Theory to Practice. 2006. Congresso
      24. ZUBELLI, J.P.; MARKOWICH, P. ; KOILLER, J. ; Palis, J. ; PERTHAME, B.. Workshop on Mathematical Methods and Modeling of Biophysical Phenomena. 2005. Congresso
      25. ZUBELLI, J.P.. Kinetic equations: direct and inverse problems. 2005. (Congresso).. . 0.
      26. ZUBELLI, J.P.; KOILLER, J. ; Palis, J. ; ZIN, W.. Biomathematics Workshop and Summer School. 2004. Congresso
      27. ZUBELLI, J.P.; Frid, H. ; Viana, Marcelo ; Sidoravicius, V.. Brazilian Workshop on Mathematical Physics. 2004. Congresso
      28. ZUBELLI, J.P.; PUNZO, L. ; KOILLER, J. ; FOCARDI, S.. Mathematical Models Applied to the Biological Sciences, Economics, and Complex Systems. 2004. Congresso
      29. ZUBELLI, J.P.; MARKOWICH, P. ; CALAHORRANO, M.. Conference on Partial Differential Equations in Industry and Engineering. 2004. Congresso
      30. ZUBELLI, J.P.; KOILLER, J. ; ZIN, W. ; BEVILACQUA, L.. Biomathematics Workshop. 2003. Congresso
      31. ZUBELLI, J.P.; NACHBIN, A. ; MARCHESIN, D. ; R, I. J. ; CORDARO, P. ; Hounie, J. ; Frid, H.. Sixth Workshop on Partial Differential Equations. 1999. Congresso
      32. ZUBELLI, J.P.; MARCHESIN, D. ; CORDARO, P. ; NACHBIN, A.. Fifth Workshop on Partial Differential Equations. 1997. Congresso
      33. ZUBELLI, J.P.; MALAJOVICH, G.. Foundations of Computational Mathematics. 1997. Congresso
      34. ZUBELLI, J.P.; MARCHESIN, D. ; NACHBIN, A. ; R, I. J.. Fourth Workshop on Partial Differential Equations. 1995. Congresso

    Lista de colaborações

    • Colaborações endôgenas (0)

      (*) Relatório criado com produções desde 1951 até 2019
      Data de processamento: 26/08/2019 15:55:02