Presentation by young researchers


Bilson Castro (Instituto de Ciências Matemática (ICMAT-CSIC)
Hybrid spaces in Deligne-Mumford stacks induced by Green functions

Davide Gori (Universitá di Roma – La Sapienza)
Alternative Modular Compactifications of M_{g,n} via Cluster Algebras with applications to the MMP of \overline{M}_{g,n}

Enis Kaya (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
p-adic Integration Theories on Curves

Felipe de León Saenz Angel (IMPA)
Polyhedral tiltings arising from linked nets

Giusi Capobianco (Universita di Roma Tor Vergata)
On the degree of the tropical 1-fold Abel-Prym map

Dante Luber (U. Frankfurt)
Singular Matroid Realization Spaces

Myrla Kedynna Barbosa (UFSC)
Refinements of the uniform rank

Soham Karwa (Duke University)
Non-archimedean periods for log Calabi-Yau surfaces