Combinatorial Synergies in Geometry and Number Theory
IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Março 24 – 28
Combinatorial methods have been embedded in many areas of Mathematics. The synergy between Combinatorics, on the one hand, and Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory, on the other, both in its theoretical and computational aspects, is the focus of the workshop. It aims to bring together mathematicians at the beginning of their careers and specialists to enhance combinatorial methods in the study of geometric and arithmetic structures.
We are accepting proposals for short talks from young researchers until November 1, 2024.
Sign up after registration!
Kris Shaw (Oslo, Norway) – Combinatorial Geometry and Hodge Theory.
Farbod Shokrieh (Washington, USA) – Berkovich Spaces, Tropical Geometry and Number Theory.
Speakers (under Construction)
Scientific Committee
Matt Baker (Georgia Tech, USA)
José Ignacio Burgos Gil (ICMAT, Spain)
Hannah Markwig (Tuebing, Germany)
Margarida Melo (Roma Tre, Italy)
Organizing Committee
Ana María Botero (Bielefeld, Germany)
Eduardo Esteves (IMPA, Brazil)
Roberto Gualdi (Polytècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Suely Lima (IMPA, Brazil)
Marco Pacini (UFF, Brazil)
Eduardo Vital (Bielefeld, Germany)