Miguel Abreu (IST – Lisbon)
“Toric Geometry in Action-angle Coordinates”
Gonzalo Contreras (CIMAT)
“A generic property of families of Lagrangian systems”
Yasha Eliashberg (Stanford)
“Partial order and quasimorphisms on groups of contact transformations”
Albert Fathi (ENS-Lyon)
“On the Hausdorff dimension of the Mather quotient”
Viktor Ginzburg (Santa Cruz)
“Periodic Orbits of Twisted Geodesic Flows and the Weinstein–Moser Theorem”
Diogo Gomes (IST-Lisbon)
“Approximation of Mather Measures and Selection Criteria”
Renato Iturriaga (CIMAT)
“Periodic Schroedinger equation with magnetic field”
Ely Kerman (Illinois)
“Hofer’s Geometry and Floer Theory Under the Quantum Limit”
Ricardo S. Leite (UFES)
Nicolau Saldanha (PUC-Rio)
Carlos Tomei (PUC-Rio)
“The subtle asymptotics of Wilkinson’s shift iteration”
Artur Lopes (UFRGS)
“Poncelet Pairs And The Twist Map Associated To The Poncelet Billiard”
Fernando Oliveira (UFMG)
“Prime Ends and Homoclinic Orbits for Billiards, Geodesic and Contact Flows”
Yaron Ostrover (MIT)
“Symplectic measurements and Convexity”
Gabriel Paternain (Cambridge)
“Magnetic flows on Sol-manifolds: dynamical and symplectic aspects”
Clodoaldo Ragazzo (USP)
“Contact Structures and Ergodicity”
Rafael Ruggiero (PUC-RIO)
“Weakly stable geodesic flows in manifolds without conjugate points and Thurston´s geometrization conjecture”
Maciej Wojtkowski (Univ. of Arizona)
An abstract fluctuation theorem
Palestra Especial
“Symplectic Topology of Stein Manifolds”
Yakov Eliashberg