
Anton Alekseev (Geneva)
Large toric charts on coadjoint orbits

Daniel Alvarez (IMPA)
On the construction of symplectic groupoids via reduction

Camilo Angulo (UFF)
Compactness in Jacobi Geometry

Ana Balibanu (Harvard)
The partial compactification of the universal centralizer

Paul Bressler (U. los Andes)
Odd transgression for Courant algebroids

Francesco Cattafi (Utrecht)
Formal integrability of geometric structures

Miquel Cueca Ten (Göttingen‎)
Relation between the Poisson and Courant σ-model of a Poisson manifold

Rui Fernandes (Illinois)
Global Solutions to Cartan’s Realization Problem

Pedro Frejlich (UFRGS)
Concurring Dirac structures

Marco Gualtieri (Toronto)
Quantization of generalized Kähler manifolds

David Iglesias Ponte (U. la Laguna)
Jacobi fields and curvature in subriemannnian geometry

Charlotte Kirchhoff-Lukat (KU Leuven)
Generalized complex branes, coisotropic submanifolds and deformations

Ioan Marcut (Nijmegen) 
The Poisson cohomology of *2()

Eckhard Meinrenken (Toronto)
Weighted Euler-like vector fields

Rajan Mehta (Smith College)
Courant cohomology and Cartan calculus

Cristian Ortiz (USP)
Morita equivalence and representations up to homotopy

Jeffrey Pike (Toronto)
Weil Algebras for Double Lie Algebroids

Nicola Sansonetto (Verona)
Hamiltonisation and integrability in nonholonomic mechanical systems with symmetry

Ivan Struchiner (IME-USP)
Global Solutions to Cartan’s Realization Problem

Alfonso Tortorella (Leuven)
Dual Pairs in Jacobi Geometry

Eduardo Velasco (Sonora)
Invariant Cohomology of Poisson Structures on Foliated Manifolds

Luca Vitagliano (Salerno)
Products in Jacobi Geometry

Marco Zambon (Leuven)
Singular subalgebroids and their integrations