Workshop on Low-Dimensional Dynamics - Dynamics Beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity

Semestre Temático – Dynamics Beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity

IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, de 17/11 até 22/11, 2013

This Workshp is part of the Semester on Dynamics Beyond Hyperbolicity,held at IMPA in Augsut – November 2013. It aims to bring together a selected group of experts in Low-Dimensional Dynamics from all over the world and the Brazilian community in Dynamical Systems, including researchers, post-docs and doctoral students.


Artur Avila (IMPA)
Effective subexponential growth and small divisor problems

P. Brandão (IMPA)
On the structure of attractors of contracting Lorenz maps.

Davoud Cheraghi (Imperial College – London)
Satellite renormalization of complex quadratic polynomials.

Kleyber Cunha (UFBA)
Renormalization for some piecewise smooth homeomorphisms of the circle.

Edson de Faria (USP)
On Sloane’s persistence problem.

Maik Gröger (Tu Dresden)
An entropy-like notion for low-complexity systems.

Jeroen Lamb (Imperial College London)
Additive noise does not destroy a pitchfork bifurcation.

Carlos Gustavo Moreira (IMPA)
On the Markov and Lagrange spectra and their dynamical generalizations.

André Navas (Universidad de Santiago de Chile)
On ergodic type properties for codimension-1 foliations.

Vilton Pinheiro (UFBA)
Finiteness of Attractors for One-Dimensional Maps with Discontinuities.

Enrique Pujals (IMPA)
Boundary of chaos for dissipative annulus twist map.

Pablo Guarino Quiñones (USP)
Rigidity of critical circle maps.

Juan Rivera – PUC de Chile – Santiago
Divergence of geometric equilibrium states at zero temperature.

Daniel Smania (USP-São Carlos)
On the renormalization operator for multimodal maps.

Sebastian van Strien (Imperial College)
Quasi-symmetric rigidity of interval maps (Part I, II).

Sofia Trejo (University of Warwick)
A unified proof of complex bounds for multimodal maps.




Poster Lecture

Invited Main Speakers

Artur Avila (IMPA)
P. Brandão (IMPA)
Davoud Cheraghi (Warwick)
Kleyber Cunha (UFBA)
Edson de Faria (USP)
Maik Gröger (Tu Dresden)
Pablo Guarino Quiñones (USP)
Andres Koropecki (UFF)
Jeroen Lamb (Imperial College London)
Carlos Gustavo Moreira (IMPA)
André Navas (Universidad de Santiago de Chile)
E. Pujals (IMPA)
Juan Rivera – PUC de Chile – Santiago
Daniel Smania (USP-São Carlos)
Sebastian van Strien (Imperial College)
Sofia Tejo (University of Warwick)

Main Topics

Dynamics of Interval and circle maps
Rigidity phenomena
Interval exchange transformations
Thermodynamical formalism


The Semester on Dynamics Beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity is an initiative of IMPA, coordinated by Carlos Gustavo Moreira, Enrique Pujals and Marcelo Viana, in partnership with the federal and state universities PUC-Rio, UFBA UFF, UFAL, UFES, UNESP, UFMA, UFMG, UFPB, UFJF, UFRJ, USP and USP-SC, within the framework of the Rede Brasileira de Sistemas Dinâmicos (Brazilian Dynamical Systems Network).

Picture of the Group 


Poster Session

Amanda Lima (ICMC- USP)
Nowhere differentiable functions arising in Dynamical Systems.

Serginei Liberato (Universidade Federal de Viçosa, MG)
Propriedades geométricas do conjunto de Julia.

Carlos Siqueira (ICMC-USP-São Carlos,SP)
The gibbs state associated to (w – c)q = zp.

José Humberto Vidarte (ICMC-USP,SP)
Some conditions for the existence of one Ck-invariant foliation for Lorenz-like map.

David Z. Villanueva (UFRN)
The existence of periodic solutions of nonlinear differential equations of second order.

Posters should be sent to using Poster – Workshop on Low-Dimensional Dynamics as subject. The standard adopted for posters is size A0 vertical.



Registered Participants


Scientific Committee

Artur Avila (IMPA and CNRS/Jussieu)
Welington de Melo (IMPA)
Vilton Pinheiro (UFBA)
Ali Tahzibi (USP-São Carlos)




Postal Address: Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada 
Estrada Dona Castorina 110, Jardim Botânico
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 22460-320, Brasil 